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WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley today said that he has nominated several young Iowans ... Read More >>

WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley today announced that Iowa State University has received ... Read More >>

Grassley Blog

As we begin a new year, I thank God for the freedoms we continue to have in this country and ou... Read More >>

For Immediate Release
August 6, 2008

Grassley: $609,396 to Iowa State University from the National Science Foundation


WASHINGTON - Senator Chuck Grassley today announced that Iowa State University has received two grants totaling $609,396 from the National Science Foundation. 


Iowa State University has a long history of doing excellent research,” Grassley said. “These funds will allow them to continue that tradition.”


            The grants to Iowa State University from the National Science Foundation will be distributed as shown below.


-     A $242,713 grant to help pay for a project titled “Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Communication in Large-Scale Wireless Networks.”

-     A $366,683 grant to help pay for a project titled “GOALI: Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells on Plastic Substrates.”