What's Happening

City of Trees

Melanie Choukas-Bradley, Author

Polly Alexander, Artist

Join the author and illustrator of City of

Trees : The Complete Field Guide to the Trees of Washington, D.C. for a slide lecture on the history and botanic diversity of the capital city’s trees. Author Melanie Choukas-Bradley will highlight the history of Washington 's trees from George Washington and Thomas Jefferson's time to the present day. Learn how Washington , DC came to be known as the "City of Trees " and why our historic canopy is more essential than ever in the 21st century. Polly Alexander will share art from the book and describe the artistic process behind her hundreds of botanical drawings.

Code: LH020609
Date: Friday, February 6
Time: 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Conservatory Classroom
FREE: Pre-registration Suggested

Register online now: http://www.usbg.gov/education/events/Event-Listing-Date.cfm