U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship

About the Committee

Committee Members | Jurisdiction | Rules | History | Staff | Contact Information | FAQ

For information on specific hearings, legislation, letters, or general small business issues, please click the respective links, call 202.224.5175, fax 202.224.5619, e-mail, or write to:

The Honorable John F. Kerry
Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship
United States Senate
428A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Note: Due to security precautions taken by the U.S. Senate, outside mail is delayed 7-10 days; therefore, whenever possible, it is recomended that you also fax or e-mail your letters.
Press inquiries should be directed to the Committee's Communications Director, Katherine Seck. She can be be reached at 202.224.5175 or Kathryn_Seck@small-bus.senate.gov

Note: To add or remove yourself from our press e-mail list, please clickhere.
Small Business Advocates
Organizations and small busniess advocates interested in the latest Committee news should sign up to receive periodic updates and press releases by clicking here.

Also, please sign up for the E-Newsletter, found on the left.
Web Concerns
To contact the Democratic Webmaster about a problem you've found or recommendation you have regarding this website, please send an e-mail here or call 202.224.5175.