U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
1. Why is there no longer a Subcommittee on Communications?
2. How can I access information from hearings that have already been held?
3. How many Subcommittees are there and who are the Subcommittee Chairmen?
4. What is the seating capacity of the Commerce Committee’s hearing room?
5. How can I access bills that have been referred to the Commerce Committee?
6. How do I obtain a witness list for a hearing?
7. Where can I find the hearings that are currently scheduled?
8. Who are the Committee Chairman and Ranking Member?
1. Why is there no longer a Subcommittee on Communications?
In 2003/2004, the Congress prior to Senators Stevens and then Inouye becoming Chairman, the Commerce Committee held a total of 37 hearings on telecommunications related issues. Of those, 29 were held at the Full Committee level and 8 in the Subcommittee. Because of this and because there are several Members with a strong interest in the issue, Chairman Inouye and Vice Chairman Stevens decided to keep this at the Full Committee level.
2. How can I access information from hearings that have already been held?
Archived webcasts are available in either video or audio format for most hearings held in 2005 through the present. These can be accessed from the audio/video link on our homepage menu bar or on our hearings page. In addition, witness’ submitted testimony is available on our hearings page. When full hearing transcripts are available from the Government Printing Office, these, too, will be posted on the hearings page by clicking the relevant hearing.
3. How many Subcommittees are there and who are the Subcommittee Chairmen?
The Commerce Committee is comprised of 7 Subcommittees. Information on all Subcommittees can be accessed on our homepage menu bar.
4. What is the seating capacity of the Commerce Committee’s hearing room?
Under its normal configuration, the room can accommodate 150 seats.
5. How can I access bills that have been referred to the Commerce Committee?
The best point of access for locating legislation pending before the Committee, is the Library of Congress’ website: www.thomas.loc.gov. When bills are approved by the Committee, copies of bills as approved are posted on the newsroom page, with the press release on that bill, as soon as available.
6. How do I obtain a witness list for a hearing?
Hearing witnesses are listed on our hearings page as soon as they are confirmed.
7. Where can I find the hearings that are currently scheduled?
A list of all upcoming hearings, including date, time, and room location can be found the right hand side of our home page.
8. Who are the Committee Chairman and Ranking Member?
Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) are the Commerce Committee Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively.