Friday, October 03, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 8:53 AM

The bailout bill that the U.S. Senate passed late Wednesday night is not the remedy for what ails this nation's economy. While we are all anxious to take action to help America recover from it's current financial crisis, it does us no good to pass a bill that does not address the underlying problem before us, and that's the credit crunch.

After the defeat of the original proposal in the House on Monday, Congress had an opportunity to really address some of the shortfalls of the failed bill. Instead they loaded on millions of dollars in pork barrel spending and a couple of other "treats" to lure members of Congress who voted "Nay" the first time around to reconsider their vote. From tax incentives to mental health parity (which, by the way, deserve their time to be considered and voted upon), they should not be strategically placed into a bill of this magnitude that is supposed to specifically address the credit crunch facing our nation. It is irresponsible, and proof enough that Congress deserves its 10% approval rating. Instead of being a source of calm in the eye of a storm, a good many lawmakers have lost their good sense and jumped overboard to back a bill that does nothing to really address our current financial crisis, other than give Americans a false sense of economic security.

There are simple steps that we can take to make the problem in front of us much smaller, and much easier to handle. The Free Market Protection Act (H.R. 7223) is an alternative economic rescue plan that puts us on a better path to attack the roots of the current crisis. Among other things, it would suspend the capital gains tax, schedule the government-sponsored enterprises (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) for privatization, and suspend mark-to-market accounting requirements.

Take a look at it in more detail
here .

And, there are steps that the SEC, FDIC, and FASB can take already within their regulatory authority to make a real difference.

We must be calm, and while we should work speedily, we must not work hastily. Sadly, the bill passed by the Senate that is now in the House is a result of the "urgent" need to pass "something," rather than the "right thing."


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LLR writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 9:09 AM
Why Why Why should the American people be responsible for Barney Frank? Why should the American People be responsible for the Dem Party?
Americans stand Strong and REFUSE to pay the bills you didn't create!!!
Screwtape writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 10:41 AM
It doesn't look good for the bill today.
I hope it doesn't even come to a vote. Well, that's not really true. I want it to come up for a vote and then crash and burn so as to make Pelosi look even worse than she does already. If thats even possible.
steve66oh writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 11:14 AM
Housing surplus
I'm writing today to suggest a cause for the current foreclosure and mortgage banking crisis.

According to USCB data, in 1960 the U.S. population of 180 million people lived in 58 million housing units. Simple division reveals an occupancy rate of 3.1 people per home. According to USCB estimates for 2006, the U.S. population of 300 million lived in 126 million housing units. Again, by division, the occupancy rate was 2.3 people per home.

If the 2006 population lived at the 1960 occupancy rate, we would need just 96 million homes to house them all. In other words, we have surplus housing capacity equivalent to 30 million extra homes in the United States today.

It's clear to me that we have a housing surplus in the USA. The housing market is a market like any other. When the supply of a commodity is increased faster than demand, price/value MUST drop. When the money available within a home falls (by loss of a wage earner's paycheck through divorce) the "market will bear" less and the value of the house must fall. When the number of people in a house falls, the value of the "shelter service" it provides falls. Our housing surplus is the cause of the foreclosure epidemic and the mortgage banking crisis.

The question is, what has caused the decline in housing occupancy over the past 50 years? I believe that the answer is found in our rising divorce rates and falling marriage rates - Liberalism's campaign to destroy families by marginalizing fathers, their false promise to "empower" women through no-fault divorce.
JANE writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 11:35 AM
I hope she is prepared for the depression that would lie ahead if SHE doesn't vote YES today. She is not looking at the big picture. Her narrowest makes me sick as a Republican. Does she have any econimic experience. Does she know what is going on in the housing market? No one can sell a house unless they have a buyer coming in with cash? How about the students who have had loans denied while they are in their first quarter of college? How about the states not being able to pay their salaries? What about the higher rates of interest on our loans as the US that are all going thru the roof? I could go on and on but this is costing us a fortune every minute we delay in not getting a positive vote. VOTE YES FOR AMERICA. WE DON'T NEED A DEPRESSION. A VOTE OF NO IS A VOTE FOR A DEPRESSION. A VOTE OF NO IS A VOTE AGAINST AMERICA. TALK ABOUT LETTING BIN LADIN GET HIS WAY!!! DON'T LET AMERICA FAIL. VOTE YES!!
JANE writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 11:50 AM
That's what a NO VOTE is for !! We already sent this much money to the countries that hate us for their oil. Hope you vote to have us start drilling here too. The oil rich countries are happy this is happening to us with their SAUDIE GOLD AND SAUDIE OIL. This vote came about last minute because of hope that things would turn around. But they didn't. Just like individuals who are down on their luck. Looking for HOPE. This vote is the most important vote you will make . Don't do this country wrong. VOTE YES! Many people will suffer.
soulsamurai writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 12:09 PM
Don't Panic!
Economists Raise Concerns About Bailout Plan

While some politicians were reconsidering their opposition to the bailout this week, there is one group that still expresses a lot of concerns with the legislation: economists.

Interviews conducted with a dozen prominent academic economists, Obama supporters as well as McCain supporters, found little support for the bailout bill. Indeed, even the one economist who supported the proposal passed by the Senate Wednesday night had serious reservations.,2933,431645,00.html

This bailout is a bad, bad idea, that only gives Democrats what they want a bigger, socialized gov't solution to a problem created by Democratic social experimenting at the taxpayers expense.

Rich Not wealthy writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 12:14 PM
Shelly, while you are protesting, why
not just put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Voting for marxism, yeah that'll show them. I might have done the same thing, except it is clear that we will not survive Obama. It is that simple.
Greg writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 12:17 PM
JANE finally someone with a brain
Jane you have it right. Probloem is there are to many selfish people around here that don't understand the big picture. The housing market is what this country is built on. The sheep just don't get it. Our party is supposed to be fiscally responsible. Instead we appeear blind with no forsight what so ever. Come on people open your eyes. VOTE YES!!! Save us all.
JANE writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 12:24 PM
That's not True! No one holds a crystal ball as to the future! If they did we would not be in this mess. But the fact is we have huge problems NOW. We need to deal with the present NOW! I am sick of would of, should of, could of. If the economists knew all the answers we would not be in this mess. I am dealing with what is happening out there in ouw counrty right now. WE HAVE BIG PROBLEMS. GETTING BIGGER!!! Michele does not support drilling here either. No lets just keep supporting the prople who hate us and want this country to fail. They don't want us to buy replicas of designers becAUSE OF worry the money goes to terrorists. In the mean time we fill our tanks every other day sending billions to those countries. That makes sense. As PALIN SAYS" DRILL BABY DRILL"! I LIKE THAT WOMEN! sHE NEEDS TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT. BILL CLINTON WAS THE GOV. OF ARKANSAS. GIVE ME A BREAK. VOTE YES TO THE BILL! VOTE YES TO OIL DRILLING IN THE US! VOTE YES TO GOV. PALIN!
Hskrwbl writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 12:34 PM
I'll have to vote no to my rep
Unfortunately my rep, Ms. McCollum voted for the original bill so I can only imagine she's fainting with excitement at the chance to vote for the porked up version.

I'm not even bothering to contact her anymore, I'll have to place my own NO vote for her on Nov 4th.

Thanks to Michelle Bachmann for her continued efforts to work with others in the House to offer an improved option.
douglas writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 12:50 PM
you need to think
What did biden say he and obama want, for courts to not only be able to lower interest rate but to also change the principal,dont you realize what that means, a 300,000 home could be dropped to 50,000 and what happens to all the homes aroud it do you think,when comps are done I guess you home that you did pay for will be worth a whole lot less, this will destroy the whole country and we truely will become russia, I dont doubt thats what these dems want to happen, but is it what YOU WANT AS WELL.This is beyond insane and has to be stopped or this country is doomed.
Pasadena Phil writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 1:20 PM
thank you Michelle
At least we know that there is at least ONE responsible adult who is not drunk and crazy.

After this bill passes, do we have to start calling each other "comrade"?
Pasadena Phil writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 1:32 PM
Where are the "market whisperers" today?
As the vote comes in revealing that the bill is passing, the market is selling off. All of these market movements lately have been driven by speculators who were betting on one event, whether or not the bill will pass. Now that it looks like the bill will pass, they will take their profits and move one. That leaves us investors to pick up the pieces and do our job of pricing stocks based on economic and company fundamentals. Expect a major sell-off either way.

charles writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 3:31 PM
The Stock Market couldnt wait for us to throw them a BONE$ and then they turned around and PUT THE BONE TO US TAX PAYERS

The Stocks were up over 300 and when this bailout passed it dropped like a ROCK

We are in trouble, I for one wasnt for this BAILOUT and look what it got us. Now what are we going to do when Congress comes back and states this didnt even get us off the Bottom and they need another 700 billion, What are we the STUPID ASSSSSS TAX PAYER GOING TO SAY THEN

Those DEMS, FRANKS and RANGEL ought to be strung up for letting this get out of hand, but ooohhh
no theres nothing wrong with FANNIE and FREDDIE
What a joke.
Jeff writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 6:55 PM
Michelle Bachman For Prez!
Thanks Michelle for not caving! The fact that this huge bill doesn't solve the underlining problem is a serious issue. Sure this may be a short term relief for the economy (maybe a few weeks or so), but there's nothing even close to a guarantee that the taxpayers will gain from this in the long run. That's a big reason for voting NO. But even if the majority of the bill was any good, there's still too much pork! Even a little pork should be enough for responsible conservatives to raise eyebrows.

How McCain can support this bill, then say he is against earmarks is beyond me. I'm still voting for him though, because I'm not a liberal and he's not as liberal as Obama.
Raven writes: Friday, October, 03, 2008 11:25 PM
A hearfelt
thank you from a constituent. Those who 'demand' the government do something now are the ones not looking to the future. What has occurred is a result of a situation created in Washington. (Mandating lower thresholds to give out more mortgages, regardless of the risk and then the govt guaranteeing those loans. Fannie/Freddie) Yet they are the ones who are going to 'save' us? From what? Could 'bad things' happen if this did not go through? Possibility exists yes. However the market has fixed itself in past and would be capable of doing it again. Would there be pain in doing so? Absolutely. But better a pain now that would be short-lived than one that Will happen in future after we are no longer able to prop things up. Risks have consequences, and people have responsibilities.

Would some businesses who made bad risks fail? Probably. People lose houses who probably couldn't afford to buy them in first place. Yes. But what is risk without consequence? How can we teach anyone with a straight face the merits of personal responsibility and living up to your obligations when we have just had it said by Washington that that really doesn't matter/ Why should I continue to pay my mortgage? Where is the incentive? Besides it is the right thing to do.

And where will the end be? AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Wall Street, car makers, now California wants a 'bail out'. How can we possibly tell them or anyone else no now?

After the pieces fall, and they will, America should be still strong enough to withstand it. I have faith in my fellow citizens, not most politicians. That's the Hope I believe in.
Vonnie writes: Saturday, October, 04, 2008 9:50 AM
Why children do not drive a car?
The reason children are not given the wheel is they need the training.

While the car is sliding into the curve, your logic (Bush) tells you to panic and your children in the back seat (your worried constituents) make your brain tell you to do something. If you turn abruptly, it may cause a tragic accident.

Using experience or training, you learn to turn into the curve. The car slows down and we are safe.

What will happen if we DON'T pass this bill?
Probably a recession, stagflation, or a depression.

What will happen if we DO pass this bill?
Probably a recession, stagflation, or a depression.

These are natural events of capitalism.

Although, what we did to capitalism is shackled it. We had FM/FM partially nationalized. We allowed Obama types to train people to go into banks to terrorize the staff to make more risky, minority loans. We called whistleblowers racists.

Now, they have to money to give to the sick banks to make all the banks sick.

Obama promised Rep. Cummings that when Obama gets in the WhiteHouse that he will use the money for the forclosured mortgages.

A welfare state is what we have because only 66% pay taxes and of 66% only 50% (33%) pay 97% of the taxes. In order for Obama to give 95% tax breaks, he will give checks to those who have a stake in socialism, not capitalism.

When Obama says enough, he means not enough for him. Why don't those who are the live blood of our nation finally say enough.

I'm not rich, but have aspirations. Just tired of those who feel entitled grow in number and intensity.
Vonnie writes: Saturday, October, 04, 2008 10:15 AM
turn into the slide
It has been a while since I drove in the snow.

It is to turn into the slide, not into the curve, as I said in the last post.

Bush just said in his radio address that he will spend our taxes wisely.

It is possible we unclog the frozen credit markets.

But remember, what they did after 1929 for the depression to save it off, only deepen it.

Ron writes: Saturday, October, 04, 2008 10:15 AM
Why send good money after bad. First put those crooks in jail, then replace them. If they are really that greedy (NOT stupid because they knew what they were after), why should the gov't be insuring their retirement "package".

P.S. Anyone know where to get one of those pallets of cash King Geo. sent to Iraq and doesn't know where they went?
Monkeywrench writes: Sunday, October, 05, 2008 2:10 PM
Speaking of financial scams

This is a great story about one of Michele Bachmann's biggest financial contributors. He's involved in a huge investigation in Minnesota with Tom Petters--over a billion dollars scammed on investors. And this guy is an ex-con who Bachmann wrote a letter to the president for requesting a pardon. Great company Michele keeps!

Dave  writes: Sunday, October, 05, 2008 3:48 PM
Bailing out those who caused the problem
The financial meltdown was caused first by a couple of decades of artificially low interest rates promulgated by the Federal Reserve so that neither political party could be blamed for a slowdown. If Government delays small business downturns, the inevitable result is a large downturn. Business cycles are a normal part of a free capitalist economy. The meltdown was further aggravated by government policies that encouraged everybody, no matter how low their income or how bad their credit, to buy a big house and a big car that they couldn't afford. This is a recipe for disaster. The bailout, unfortunately, bails out those who caused the problem, but did nothing to solve the problem!
rick writes: Monday, October, 06, 2008 10:41 AM
Shelly, if you're really fed up with McCain...want to vote for Obuma? Go for it...but first look what his savior Jimmy Carter did and then think about survival. Jimmy folded like a cheap wallet to Iran...think Obuma is any better? If you must, try Constitutional or Libertarian. Thats the protest vote, and if enough people defect from the principles, they'll begin to notice.
carlos writes: Tuesday, October, 07, 2008 2:33 AM
Arnold Wants 9 Billion ???
Proof that we got screwed is if and when they give Arnold that money.
carlos writes: Tuesday, October, 07, 2008 2:53 AM
What happenned to Newt???
His sudden approval of the plan was bizarre considering his recent over-my-dead-body attitude. His explanation to Cavuto was lame. If all these speculators/slum landlords are bailed out, we should take to the streets - this is incredible. The tv guys I trust are Cavuto ,Glen Beck ... and maybe Morris.

We need you Michelle. RAISE HELL!!!
Gregg writes: Thursday, October, 09, 2008 11:26 AM
Go Michelle !!
Thanks for taking a stand on the bailout.

Keep up the good work !!!!
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