Gardens & Plants
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Not to Miss!

The following selections are some of the unique plants that can currently be found in bloom at the U.S. Botanic Garden conservatory, the National Garden, and Bartholdi Park.


Aechmea fasciata
Silver Vase

Aechmea fasciata

Guzmania marjan
Yellow Marjan

Guzmania marjan

Nymphaea 'Colorado'
Hardy Waterlily

Nymphaea colorado

'Panama Pacific'

Water Lily 'Panama Pacific'  

Hibiscus waimeae

Hibiscus Waimeae

Zinnia angustifolia
Creeping Zinnia

Creeping Zinnia
Aechmea 'Del Mar'

Aechmea 'Del Mar'
Garden Court

Brugmansia 'Sunset'
Medicinal Plant Room

Angels Trumpet

Aristolochia littoralis
Central America
Medicinal Plant Room

Aristolochia littoralis

Callicarpa americana
American Beauty Berry
Location: Terrace exhibit 

Beauty Berry

Tibouchina grangflora
Glory Bush

Glory Bush

Phlox drummondii
Southern United States
Southern Exposure

Phlox Drummonds

Calliandra emarginata
Mexico to Honduras
Plant Adaptations Room

Pink Powder Puff

'Just Joey'
Hybrid tea rose

'Just Joey'
Hybrid tea rose
What's in Bloom Archive

See what was in bloom recently at the U.S. Botanic Garden.

What's in Bloom -- Summer 2008
What's In Bloom -- Spring 2008
What's in Bloom - December 2007
What's in Bloom: October 2007
Whats In Bloom -- Fall/Winter 2008