Dick Durbin - U.S. Senator from Illinois - Assistant Majoirty Leader
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7.11.2008 - Senator Durbin discussed the recent Medicare legislation that prevents a 10% reduction in payments to doctors and the President's threatened veto of the bill.


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5.19.2008 - 

Senator Durbin discussed the growing problem of gang-related shootings in Chicago and the strategies aimed at ending the violence.

4.10.2008 - 

Senator Durbin discussed how to stem the current foreclosure crisis and restart the sluggish economy.

2.15.2008 - 

Senator Durbin discussed the challenges of a slowing economy and Congressional efforts to provide stimulus and get the economy back on track.

News Releases

Durbin Statement on the Situation in Gaza - 12/31/2008

Senate Democratic Leadership Statement on Gov. Blagojevich's Appointment of Roland Burris to the Vacant U.S. Senate Seat from Illinois - 12/30/2008

Durbin Statement on STB Final Approval of Canadian National Acquisition - 12/24/2008


Statements & Commentary

FLOOR STATEMENT: Economic Stimulus Plan - 10/1/2008

FLOOR STATEMENT: Amtrak Reauthorization Bill - 9/29/2008

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD STATEMENT: Time to Address the Crisis in Darfur - 9/25/2008


Local News Coverage

Daily Journal - Durbin Wants More Federal Review of EJ&E Railroad Purchase - 10/2/2008

Galesburg Register-Mail - Peoria Gets Grant for New Terminal - 9/26/2008

Galesburg Register Mail - Congressional Delegation Asks for Help With Amtrak - 9/26/2008


Durbin's Podcast

Senator Durbin discussed the recent Medicare legislation that prevents a 10% cut in payments to doctors and the President's threatened veto.

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