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Finance Committee
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Senator Hatch is a senior member of the Senate Committee on Finance, where he has been a leading advocate for policies to encourage savings and investment, such as the Capital Formation Act of 1997, as well as many other pro-growth tax bills. He has proposed a tax credit for families to defray adoption expenses, extension of the research tax credit, repeal of the estate tax, elimination of the marriage penalty and 100 percent health insurance deduction for the self-employed. He has also sponsored legislation and led the fight for a capital gains tax relief.

The senator has also played a key part in welfare reform legislation including the enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and committee passage of the Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act of 2003. He was particularly involved in the provisions encouraging marriage, and providing for disability rehabilitation and child-care funding.
Judiciary Committee
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A former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Hatch plays a leading role in shaping some of the most important issues of our time -- from abortion to judicial nominations to the fight to keep America safe from terrorism. He joins other committee members pushing for tougher anti-crime laws, civil justice reform to unclog the courts, and legislation to protect individual property rights. He also takes an active role in the confirmation of all judicial nominations, including Supreme Court justices, and has a direct impact on such issues as immigration, antitrust and consumer protection, and issues related to the Constitution and civil rights.

Senator Hatch was also among the authors of the ban against partial-birth abortion, and the senator has consistently taken the initiative to protect women and children by authoring laws such as the Violence Against Women Act, the Missing Children’s Act, the PROTECT Act (AMBER Alert), and other legislation aimed at keeping our children safe from pedophiles and child pornography. He is also a leading advocate for religious freedom — authoring the Religious Liberty Protection Act — and for giving all Americans greater freedom to practice their disparate religions.
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
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A former chairman of what is now called the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Senator Hatch has closely followed the committee's issues, and he is committed to providing Americans access to affordable health coverage and safe and effective medicines, educating our children through active local and state involvement, and strengthening our workforce to meet today's challenges.
Intelligence Committee
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Senator Hatch is a senior member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, which oversees government intelligence agencies and departments to ensure that their actions and information are timely, accurate and constitutional. His seat on the Select Committee on Intelligence provides him with privileged insight on foreign policy, and he plays a key role in overseeing American intelligence activities to protect our security and America’s vital interests abroad.
Taxation Committee
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As a member of the Joint Committee on Taxation, Senator Hatch oversees the actions of the Internal Revenue Service to monitor for waste and fraud, and develop legislation that addresses the problems of the U.S. taxpayer. He is a strong advocate for simplifying the tax code and providing tax relief for American families.

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