U.S. Senator Ken Salazar

Member: Finance, Agriculture, Energy, Ethics and Aging Committees


2300 15th Street, Suite 450 Denver, CO 80202 | 702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 20510



For Immediate Release

Friday, December 12, 2008

CONTACT:Michael Amodeo – 303-455-7600
Matt Lee-Ashley – 202-224-5852


POSTPONED: Sen. Salazar Releases Progress Report on Regional Plans, Gears Up for Colorado Tour

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In preparation for his travels next week through all ten of Colorado’s regions, United States Senator Ken Salazar today released a report on the progress he has made on the priorities identified in his ten regional plans. Beginning in 2005, Senator Salazar has worked with local communities across Colorado to identify the highest priorities in each of the ten regions in the state. The regional plans guide Senator Salazar’s work in the U.S. Senate.

A copy of Senator Salazar’s regional plans, and progress reports on the plans, can be found here.

“I have always believed that no matter how small a town or how big a county, every community in Colorado deserves a voice in the United States Senate,” said Sen. Salazar. “We are one Colorado, yet each region of our state has its own needs and its own priorities. The regional plans that I have assembled over the last four years with the input of residents and leaders in all 64 counties are a Colorado agenda that I work every day in the U.S. Senate to fulfill. I am proud of the progress we have made on these plans, but there is more work to do. Next week, I will be visiting each region in Colorado, gathering input on priorities and needs, and updating these plans to ensure that they reflect the highest priorities of each region”

In his travels around Colorado next week, Senator Salazar will gather input from local elected officials and communities on his regional plans and priorities. By the end of the week, Senator Salazar will have visited all 64 of Colorado’s counties in 2009.
