FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Wicker McPhillips
July 18 , 2007 (202)224-6414

Grants will be used to improve communication among first responders say Cochran, Lott

WASHINGTON, DC – Federal funding totaling almost $11 million was awarded today to the State of Mississippi under the Public Service Interoperability Communications (PISC) program.  According to U.S. Senators Thad Cochran and Trent Lott, the grant, which is administered by the Department of Commerce and the Department of Homeland Security, is intended to improve state and local first response activities.  The funds will be directed through the Mississippi Department of Public Safety to locations around the state in an effort to support first responders in the purchase and operation of compatible voice, data, and video communications systems to be used during disaster response. 

“As our state works to mitigate the impact of future natural or man-made disasters, it is essential that our firefighters, paramedics, police, and officials from MEMA and FEMA have equipment that will provide for seamless and uninterrupted communication,” Senator Cochran said. “In order to best help those in need after disasters, first responders in our state need to have the ability to talk to their counterparts assisting in rescue and recovery efforts.  This federal funding will assist local officials in their efforts to acquire the equipment and training necessary for improving communication during emergencies.”        

“Mississippians who’ve experienced Hurricane Katrina understand how important first responder communications can be before, during and after a disaster,” Senator Lott said.  “Our delegation has worked hard to help steer new resources for emergency communication to our state, and I’m pleased that Mississippi will get additional support from this program. Our state and local communities are already acting to upgrade and prepare emergency communications systems for the next disaster, and I’m confident this federal initiative will compliment and help expedite those efforts.”

The funding directed to Mississippi through this program is part of $968 million awarded to first responders nationwide for interoperable communications. 



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