FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Wicker McPhillips
July 26, 2007 (202)224-6414

Legislation Includes Measure to Accelerate Funding to Gulf Coast

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate tonight approved the FY 2008 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill.  Included in the legislation was significant funding for border security and immigration enforcement as well as an amendment sponsored by Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) that would expedite the release of approximately $2 billion in previously appropriated funds to make homes, schools, businesses, and other public infrastructure along the Gulf Coast more storm-proof.  

“I am encouraged by the steps taken by the Senate tonight to provide funding to secure our nation’s borders and protect against illegal immigration.  This legislation will allow the United States to hire new Border Patrol agents and purchase the detention beds necessary to hold illegal immigrants in custody,” Senator Cochran said.  “I am also pleased the Senate recognized the importance of ensuring that federal dollars appropriated for hurricane recovery along the Gulf Coast are made available to the people and communities who need them.  A disaster of such unprecedented magnitude requires us to remain flexible as we continue to assist in recovery.”

The amendment introduced by Cochran would make a technical change to the way the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approves its release of Hazard Mitigation Program Grants (HMPG).  The grants are used to strengthen infrastructure in preparation for future disasters. 

In the case of Hurricane Katrina, the HMPG precertification process would have caused such a delay that most homeowners and communities forfeited the assistance in order to rebuild in a timely manner.  Therefore a large portion of funding previously approved by the Senate in Hurricane Katrina emergency appropriations bills was essentially inaccessible to those for whom it was intended. 

The Cochran Amendment allows those who would have been eligible under precertification to become eligible for the assistance retroactively. Of the $2 billion that would be made available by the Cochran Amendment, $450 million would be for Mississippi.  The Cochran Amendment was co-sponsored by Senator Trent Lott (R-MS).

In addition to expediting the release of HMPG funds to the Gulf Coast, the bill included several other provisions important to Mississippi.  The Department of Homeland Security recently selected Flora, Mississippi as one of five finalists for the location of the National Bio and Agrodefense Facility (NBAF).  The bill includes $11 million for the Department of Homeland Security to continue site evaluation and selection for NBAF.

The Senate also added an amendment providing $3 billion in emergency funding to further improve border and immigration security.

Other bill highlights include:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection:

  • $2.9 billion for border staffing between the ports of entry; including 3,000 new Border Patrol agents, as requested;
  • $1 billion for sensor and surveillance technology, and physical infrastructure projects along the border, as requested; and
  • $488.9 million for air and marine operations, including $12.54 million above the request to expand marine enforcement operations;

Immigration and Customs Enforcement:

  • $1.5 billion for investigations, including increases of $15 million for worksite enforcement; $10.5 million for document and benefit fraud; and $10.2 million for gang enforcement; and
  • $2.3 billion for detention and removals, including $177 million for an additional 3,050 detention beds above the request; $10.5 million above the request for the criminal alien program, and $8.5 million for expansion of fugitive operations.

Science and Technology

  • $35 million to continue the Southeast Regional Research Initiative, which funds university-sponsored research and development for national disaster preparedness

National Center for Critical Information Processing and Storage

  • $97.3 million for the National Center for Critical Infrastructure Processing and Storage, which consolidates and safely stores information critical to the operations of the federal government

Transportation Security Administration

  • Up to $75 million of the President’s request designated for the purchase and installation of next-generation explosive detection systems for use in the nation’s small- and medium-sized airports

Federal Emergency Management Agency

  • Language to encourage FEMA to develop a program to accurately and instantly validate the identities of recipients of federal disaster assistance
  • $1.7 is included for the Disaster Relief Fund.  This is at the level of the President’s request. 

Homeland Security Grant programs

  • $16 million to continue the Highway Watch program

Coast Guard Deepwater

  • $165.7 million to fully fund the President’s request for the National Security Cutter, the flagship vessel of the United States Coast Guard

First Responder Grants and Assistance

  • $900 million for state and local assistance grants and law enforcement terrorism prevention grants;
  • $400 million for port security grants
  • $700 million for firefighter assistance grants, of which $14 million is for SAFER Act grants
  • $300 million for emergency management performance grants.

The House of Representatives approved its version of the Homeland Security Appropriations bill on June 15, 2007.   Members of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees will now begin resolving differences between the two versions of the bill.



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