Senator Thad Cochran

April 19 , 2007 (202)224-6408


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) urged his colleagues to take immediate action on the emergency war spending bill.  He offered the following remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate:

“Mr. President, I am pleased to be able to come to the floor and urge the Senate to expedite the consideration of the Supplemental Appropriations Bill that is now in conference between House and Senate members on the Appropriations Committee. This supplemental request for funding for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan has been pending now for way too long without action. 


“Mr. President, it is very clear that delay is occurring, and it is a serious matter. We're talking about life-and-death situations and the ability to furnish the equipment, weaponry, and training that is necessary for our armed forces to carry out their mission. This is not a time to play politics with the well-being of troops in the field, and I am afraid that is what we are witnessing.


“And do you know what? The Conference Committee has not even met. There has been no meeting of the conferees on the part of the House or the Senate to discuss the differences. Now, that is inexcusable, and I lay that at the feet of the leadership of the Senate and the House. And we are all in this together. I'm not saying just the Democratic Leadership or the Republican Leadership. But we, as members, ought to call on our leaders now.  Let's end this logjam. Let's end this confrontation and the political grand-standing on the part of some


 “Let's stop the delay, the procrastination, the finger pointing, and the political accusations that the President doesn't have the interest of the country at heart.  This is being said in so many words. It is political attack against the President. This is not the time for partisan politics, Mr. President. This is the time for the Senate and the House to get together, resolve our differences, and move on. Let’s support our troops and protect our national security interests. That is what this bill does.”

Video footage of Senator Cochran’s entire statement can be accessed at



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