Senator Thad Cochran

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Wicker
March 1 , 2007 (202)224-6414


WASHINGTON, D.C.–Senators Thad Cochran (R-MS) and Christopher Dodd (D-CT) introduced today the Teaching Geography Is Fundamental Act, which authorizes competitive grants through the Department of Education to improve K-12 geography curriculum, teacher training, and instructional materials.

The bill, which was originally introduced by Cochran in the 109th Congress, and co-sponsored by Dodd, focuses on providing educators with the tools they need to improve geography literacy and educating teachers about better ways to communicate the importance of geography to their students. 

To expect that Americans will be able to work successfully with the other people in this world, we need to be able to communicate with and understand each other,” Senator Cochran said.  “It is a fact that we exist in a global marketplace, and that will continue to be the case.  We need to be preparing our younger generation for global competition and ensuring that they have a strong base of understanding to be able to succeed.  Ensuring geographic literacy prepares students to be good citizens of both our nation and the world.”

Senator Dodd said, “Young Americans today need to know the difference between Washington and Warsaw, and New Haven and New Delhi.  The study of geography opens doors for students to a better understanding of different cultures and societies.  As our world becomes increasingly connected economically, politically, and socially, it is vital that we equip our students with a worldview that allows them to compete on the global playing field.”

A recent study released by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs received significant attention when it revealed the level of American deficiency regarding the subject of geography.  The study found that a significant number of Americans ages 18 to 24 lack basic global knowledge.  Of the respondents polled, only 40% were able to point out Iraq on a map of the Middle East and almost half could not locate India on a map of Asia.  On a map of the United States, fewer than half could identify Mississippi or New York.

Studies have also shown that though elementary school geography instruction significantly improves overall student achievement, geography is taught by less than 9% of K-12 social studies teachers. Not even one quarter of high school students graduate having completed a geography class and nearly one third of elementary schools have reduced the number of geography courses in the last few years.

The Teaching Geography Is Fundamental Act will authorize the resources necessary to respond to the deficiencies revealed by recent studies by emphasizing the importance of geography education. 

Senators Cochran and Dodd are both recipients of the 2007 National Geographic “Geography Legislator of the Year” award.



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