APRIL 3, 2000

M E D I A    A D V I S O R Y


Washington, DC – Senate Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Fred Thompson (R-TN) will testify before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation at a hearing on S. 1712, the Export Administration Act.

Tuesday, April 4, 2000
253 Russell Senate Office Building

Chairman Thompson, a strong believer in free trade, advocates the need for a balance between trade and national security. If anything, however, rather than loosening national security export controls, Senator Thompson believes we should be closing some of the loopholes opened by the Clinton Administration -- even as we improve the ways we administer the export control system so to ensure that export license applications are processed as rapidly and efficiently as possible.

Because of its significant national security implications, Thompson urges Congress to postpone consideration of S. 1712 until next year, when a new President can work with Congress to find a responsible solution that balances trade and security.

| click here to view Chairman Thompson's prepared testimony |



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