Better Managing IT to Achieve Benefits and Control Costs

A major challenge for the federal government is managing its massive investment in information technology (IT)—currently more than $70 billion annually. Our reports have repeatedly shown that agencies and the government as a whole face challenges in

  • effectively managing major modernization programs, including ensuring that programs are justified on the basis of cost, benefits, and risks and are aligned with a modernization blueprint;
  • ensuring that executives are accountable for IT investments;
    Highlights of GAO-07-865 (PDF)
  • instituting rigorous and disciplined investment and acquisition management controls to help manage such projects; and
    Highlights of GAO-08-925 (PDF)
  • ensuring that computer systems and information have adequate security and privacy protections.

^ Back to topWhat Needs to Be Done

OMB and agencies have taken steps to address these issues, but much more needs to be done to implement recommendations GAO has previously made to better ensure that billions in taxpayer dollars are invested wisely and that system investments deliver critical capabilities and mission value on time and within budget.

  • Agencies generally need to improve the planning, management, and oversight of their IT investments, as evidenced by the large number of projects OMB and agencies identify every year as being poorly planned and performing poorly, and the weaknesses GAO has identified through our reviews of federal IT management practices. 
  • Specific actions needed include instituting key management controls (e.g., disciplined investment and acquisition management processes) to effectively define, design, develop, acquire, and implement investments, and holding executives accountable for ensuring that program commitments and expectations are met.

^ Back to topKey Reports

DOD Business Systems Modernization: Planned Investment in Navy Program to Create Cashless Shipboard Environment Needs to Be Justified and Better Managed
GAO-08-922, September 8, 2008
Information Technology: OMB and Agencies Need to Improve Planning, Management, and Oversight of Projects Totaling Billions of Dollars
GAO-08-1051T, July 31, 2008
Privacy: Government Use of Data from Information Resellers Could Include Better Protections
GAO-08-543T, March 11, 2008
GAO Contact

portrait of David Powner

David Powner

Director, Information Technology

(202) 512-9286

portrait of Randolph C. Hite

Randolph C. Hite

Director, Information Technology

(202) 512-3439