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November 2002

11-13-02 Tax Technical Corrections of 2002

Bill Text to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make technical corrections, and for other purposes

October 2002

10-02-02 Social Security Misuse Pevention Act of 2002

Chairman's Mark

10-1-02 Beneficiary Access to Care and Medicare Equity Act of 2002

Bill Text of the Beneficiary Access to Care and Medicare Equity Act of 2002

Summary of the Beneficiary Access to Care and Medicare Equity Act of 2002

September 2002

09-26-02 Social Security Misuse Prevention Act of 2002

Description of the Chairman's Marks

09-19-02 Small Business and Farm Economic Recovery Act of 2002

Description of the Chairman's Mark

Estimated Revenue Effects

09-03-02 "Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2002"

Chairman's Mark

Legislative Language as approved by the C0mmittee

Report accompanying H.R. 5063

CBO Cost Estimate

Amendment to H.R. 5557

July 2002

07-26-02 "Trade Act of 2002," Conference Agreement:

Legislative Text of H.R. 3009

Joint Explanatory Statement

07-11-02 “Family Opportunity Act of 2002”

Chairman’s Mark

07-11-02 “Mothers and Newborns Health Insurance Act of 2002”

Chairman’s Mark


Report Accompanying S.1971 as Reported to the Senate

Legislative Language of S.1971 as Reported to the Senate

Description of the Chairman's Modifications

Additional Chairman's Modifications

Estimated Revenue Effects

CBO Cost Estimate

June 2002

06-26-02 The Work, Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids (WORK) Act of 2002

Legislative Language as approved by the Committee

Description of the Chairman's Mark

Description of the Chairman's Modification

Amendments Adopted:

Graham Amendment #3

Snowe Amendment #1

Rockefeller Amemdment #2

Conrad Amendment #1

Bingaman Amendment #3

Bingaman Amendment #8

Baucus Amendment #2

06-18-02 Reversing The Expatriation of Profits Offshore Act

Report accompanying s.2119

Legislative Language of s.2119

06-18-02 Tax Shelter Transparency Act

Report accompanying s.2498

Legislative Language of s.2498

Congressional Budget Office prepared the cost estimate for S.2498

06-17-02 "CARE Act of 2002"

Legislative Language of H.R. 7 as reported by the Committee

Report accompanying H.R. 7

May 2002

05-10-02 Tax Shelter Transparency Act

Legislative Language of s.2498

Technical Explanation

Charts that accompany the Technical Explanation

February 2002

02-28-02 Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2002

Legislative Language of s.1979

Report accompanying the Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2002

02-28-02 Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002

Legislative Language of HR3005

Report accompanying the Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002

02-13-02 Markup of "Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2002"

Description of the Chairman's Modification

Description of "Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2002"

Estimated Revenue Effects Table


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