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Private Fee for Service Plans in Medicare Advantage:  A Closer Look

January 30, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., in 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Member Statements:
Max Baucus, MT
Charles Grassley, IA

Witness Statements:

Panel I:

Mark E. Miller, Ph.D., Executive Director, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, Washington, DC

Panel II:

Elyse Politi, SHIP Coordinator, New River Valley Area Agency on Aging, Pulaski, VA

Dr. Albert W. Fisk, Medical Director, The Everett Clinic, Everett, WA

Daryl Weaver, Administrator and CEO, King’s Daughters Hospital, Yazoo City, MS

David Fillman, Executive Director, AFSCME Council 13, Harrisburg, PA



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