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Statements for the Record: Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for inclusion in the hearing record should submit a typewritten, single-spaced statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length. Title and date of the hearing, and the full name and address of the individual or organization must appear on the first page of the statement. Statements must be received no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the hearing.

Statements should be mailed ( not faxed) to:

Senate Committee on Finance
Attn. Editorial and Document Section
Rm. SD-203

Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510-6200

December 2005

12-14-05 To consider the nominations of Antonio Fratto, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC; David M. Spooner, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC; Vincent J. Ventimiglia, Jr., to be Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Legislation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC; Richard T. Crowder, to be Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Office of the United States Trade Representative, Washington, DC; Jeffrey Robert Brown, to be Member of Social Security Advisory Board, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD; and, David Steele Bohigian, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Market Access and Compliance, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC

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November 2005

11-15-05 To consider an original bill that will include the Committee’s budget reconciliation instructions pertaining to expiring tax provisions and also additional incentives for hurricane affected areas

11-9-05 To review and make recommendations on proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement

October 2005

10-27-05 The Status of World Trade Organization Negotiations

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10-25-05 To conduct a markup to achieve the Committee’s budget reconciliation instructions to reduce the growth of outlays as contained in H. Con. Res. 95

10-18-05 To consider the nominations of James S. Halpern, to be Judge of the United States Tax Court, The Judiciary; Susan C. Schwab, to be Deputy United States Trade Representative, with the Rank of Ambassador, Executive Office of the President; Karan K. Bhatia, to be Deputy United States Trade Representative, with the Rank of Ambassador, Executive Office of the President; Franklin L. Lavin, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, Department of Commerce; and, Clay Lowery, to be Deputy Under Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Department of Treasury

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10-6-05 The Future of the Gulf Coast: Using Tax Policy to Help Rebuild Businesses and Communities and Support Families after Disasters

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10-6-05 U.S. – Bahrain Free Trade Agreement

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September 2005

9-28-05 Hurricane Katrina: Community Rebuilding Needs and Effectiveness of Past Proposals

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9-13-05 Charities on the Frontline: How the Nonprofit Sector Meets the Needs of America’s Communities

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July 2005

7-27-05 Improving Quality in Medicare: The Role of Value-Based Purchasing

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7-26-05 To consider an original bill entitled, The National Employee Savings and Trust Equity Guarantee Act of 2005

7-21-05 Updating Depreciable Lives: Is there Salvage Value in the Current System?

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7-20-05 To consider the nominations of Robert M. Kimmitt, to be Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Department of Treasury; Randal Quarles, to be Under Secretary of the Treasury (Domestic Finance), U.S. Department of Treasury; Sandra L. Pack, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Management), U.S. Department of the Treasury; Kevin I. Fromer, to be Deputy Under Secretary of the Treasury (Legislative Affairs), U.S. Department of the Treasury

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June 2005

6-30-05 Encouraging Savings and Investment: Stay the Course or Change Direction?

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6-29-05 Medicaid Waste, Fraud and Abuse: Threatening the Health Care Safety Net

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6-28-05 Medicaid Waste, Fraud and Abuse: Threatening the Health Care Safety Net

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6-28-05 To consider favorably reporting S. 1307, the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, and S. J. Res. 18, a joint resolution approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003

6-23-05 U.S. - China Economic Relations

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6-16-05 To consider an original bill entitled, Energy Policy Tax Incentives Act of 2005



The Future of Medicaid: Strategies for Strengthening American’s Vital Safety Net
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The Finance Committee announces an extension of the time the record of the June 15, 2005 hearing will remain open for submitted testimony. The record will remain open through August 31, 2005. Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for inclusion in the hearing record should submit electronically, a typewritten, single-spaced statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length to susan_jenkins@finance-rep.senate.gov. Title and date of the hearing (“The Future of Medicaid: Strategies for Strengthening American’s Vital Safety Net; June 15, 2005”), and the full name and address of the individual or organization must appear on the first page of the statement.

The Committee particularly encourages testimony from provider and beneficiary groups. The Committee is interested in testimony that addresses the populations served by Medicaid and the importance of the program for those populations, the challenges faced by providers and beneficiaries and potential solutions to those challenges and the consequences of Medicaid policy decisions on providers and beneficiaries of the program.

6-14-05 To review and make recommendations on proposed legislation implementing the U.S.-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement

The United States-Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement Draft Implementing Bill

CAFTA-DR Draft Statement of Administrative Action

CAFTA-DR Senate Finance Staff Summary of the Draft Implementing Bill

CAFTA-DR USTR Summary of the Agreement

6-8-05 The Tax Code and Land Conservation: Report on Investigations and Proposals for Reform

Finance Committee Report on The Nature Conservancy

Senate Committee on Finance Report of Staff Investigations of the Nature Conservancy-Vol. II

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6-7-05 Preventing the Next Pension Collapse: Lessons from the United Airlines Case

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May 2005

5-25-05 Social Security: Achieving Sustainable Solvency

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5-24-05 To consider the nominations of Alex Azar, II to be Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services, Department of Health and Human Services; Timothy D. Adams to be Under Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Department of Treasury; Shara L. Aranoff, to be Member of the International Trade Commission; Suzanne C. DeFrancis to be Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; and, Charles E. Johnson, to be Assistant Secretary for Budget, Technology and Finance, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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5-23-05 Blowing the Cover on the Stealth Tax: Exposing the Individual AMT

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April 2005

4-28-05 Encouraging Savings and Investment: Stay the Course or Change Direction:Has been postponed.

4-28-05 Building Assets for Low-Income Families

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4-26-05 Proposals To Achieve Sustainable Solvency, With and Without Personal Accounts

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4-21-05 To consider the nomination of Robert J. Portman to be United States Trade Representative

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4-19-05 To consider, an original bill entitled, “Highway Reauthorization and Excise Tax Simplification Act of 2005” and, the Chairman’s mark to S.661, the “United States Tax Court Modernization Act”

4-14-05 The $350 Billion Question: How to Solve the Tax Gap
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4-13-05 The U.S. - Central America - Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement

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4-5-05 Charities and Charitable Giving: Proposals for Reform

ooooooooooooooooLetter from Commissioner Mark Everson

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March 2005

3-16-05 Expiring Tax Provisions: Live or Let Die

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3-9-05 To consider, an original bill entitled, "Personal Responsibility and Individual Development for Everyone (PRIDE) Act", and to consider favorably reporting the nominations of Harold Damelin, to be Inspector General, Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC; and, Raymond Wagner, to be Member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board, Washington, DC

Personal Responsibility and Individual Development
for Everyone (PRIDE)

3-8-05 Physician-Owned Specialty Hospitals: In the Interest of Patients or a Conflict of Interest?

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3-1-05 Financial Status of PBGC and the Administration's Defined Benefit Plan Funding Proposal
This message is intended to provide a link to the Joint Committee on Taxation's internet posting of JCX-3-05: Present Law And Background Relating To Employer-Sponsored Defined Benefit Pension Plans And The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ("PBGC")


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February 2005

2-17-05 To consider the Nomination of Daniel R. Levinson, to be Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services; Harold Damelin, to be Inspector General, Department of the Treasury; and Raymond T. Wagner, Jr., to be Member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board

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2-16-05 The President's Budget Proposals

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2-8-05 Revenue Proposals in the President's FY2006 Budget
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2-2-05 Long Term Outlook for Social Security
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January 2005

1-25-05 To organize for 109th Congress; also consider favorably reporting the nomination of Michael O. Leavitt, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services

1-19-05 To consider the Nomination of Michael O. Leavitt, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC

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