What’s New

Thursday January 1, 2009
  • Statement from Sen. Levin and Rep. Levin on Auto Bridge Loans - Dec 19, 2008 more
  • Levin Statement on Fed Vote on New Credit Card Rules: Good First Step, But Not Enough to Prevent Abusive Practices - Dec 18, 2008 more
  • Levin Statement on the University of Michigan's Purchase of Pfizer Site - Dec 18, 2008 more
  • Stabenow, Levin Announce Over $575,000 for Michigan Firefighters - Dec 17, 2008 more
Photo of a small blue car, the Chevy Volt, with GM CEO Rick Wagoner, Senator Carl Levin and Rep. Sander Levin standing alongside the car.

GM CEO Rick Wagoner describes the Chevy Volt to Senator Carl Levin and his brother, Rep. Sander Levin.

U.S. Capitol

Today's Senate Floor Schedule

The Senate will convene in pro forma sessions on Friday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 23 at 11:00 a.m.; Friday, December 26 at 11:00 a.m.; Tuesday, December 30 at 10:30 a.m.; and Friday, January 2 at 10:00 a.m. For more legislative information, see the In the Senate page.

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My office received an unprecedented number of requests for tickets to the Inauguration. I have allocated the small number of tickets I received and am no longer taking requests.  General admission to the National Mall for the swearing-in ceremony and the parade will not require tickets.

Visit these websites for more information on the Inauguration:

Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies

Presidential Inaugural Committee

Armed Forces Inaugural Committee

U.S. Secret Service Inaugural page

Experience DC - Tourism information about the Presidential Inauguration

Washington Metrorail

Photo of Senator Levin Speaking at a Podium

Issues in Focus

The bill before us would do for the U.S. domestic auto industry what governments around the world are doing - providing emergency assistance to their auto industries because their survival is jeopardized by a worldwide recession, which has resulted in plunging auto sales. more
The abuse of detainees in U.S. custody compromised our moral authority and damaged both our ability to attract allies to our side in the fight against terrorism and to win the support of people around the world for that effort. more
Map of Michigan

Offices in Michigan

Find the offices or information about Senator Levin's activities in your area. More

Search Site


Capitol Visitor Center

Find out more about the new U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. Book your free Capitol tour tickets online through their website. more


The Congressional Management Foundation honored Senator Levin's website as one of the best in Congress. More

Congressional Management Fouindation Awards honored Senator Levin's website as one of the best in Congress.


Senator Levin at a Computer


Welcome to my website. It is intended to provide you with information on my Senate activities and the services that my office can provide the people of Michigan.

Email Senator Levin

Committee Work

Photo of a Teleconference

Michigan Students

Senator Levin invites teachers and students to check out these resources. More

photo of a front porch of a home flying an American flag

Homeownership and Avoiding Foreclosure

More and more homeowners are having trouble keeping up with their mortgage payments, particularly when they have adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). This guide to federal, state and county websites will help homeowners locate resources to help them avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes. more