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Increased Penalties for Drug Dealers and General Petraeus Briefing  

This week I introduced legislation with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) to increase the federal criminal penalties for drug dealers who entice young people with candy-flavored methamphetamine and other flavored drugs. Recent reports have shown a growing trend of drug dealers using new techniques and gimmicks to target children. I want to send the message to these criminals there are severe consequences for targeting vulnerable children.

Research has shown time and again that if you can keep a child drug-free until they turn 20, chances are very slim that they will ever try or become addicted. This makes it all the more important that we put an end to the practice of purposely altering illegal drugs to make them more appealing to young people.

Sen. Feinstein and I also introduced legislation to reauthorize a $20 million grant program that assists in the treatment of children who have been endangered by living in a home where methamphetamine has been manufactured or distributed. The grant program was authorized in the USA PATRIOT Reauthorization Act of 2005, but the program funds have not been appropriated.

Meth addicts across the country are putting their children at risk by manufacturing and distributing their product out of their homes. These kids are helpless victims to bad choices by their caretakers and need the extra effort to ensure they receive the necessary attention and care.

You can read more about these two bills here.

On Wednesday, General Petraeus briefed members of Congress on the progress in Iraq. He is much more optimistic about the War on Terror, particularly Iraq, than what you hear and see on television. Every chance I get I listen to soldiers who have returned from Iraq as well as parents of soldiers still over there. They feel that the soldiers aren’t getting the credit they deserve. The media shows the negative side of the war, but they feel our troops are receiving the wrong message: that we don’t support them. General Petraeus let us know that conditions have improved in Iraq and our troops are making a difference. As Iowans read this blog, I hope they know that our soldiers are doing great things in Iraq.