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As most of you probably know, immigration is on the front burner here in the U.S. Senate. Today I offered an amendment to the immigration reform bill to close a loophole that allows an alien to stay in the country after their visa has been revoked, including on terrorism charges.

Under current law, visas approved or denied by consular officers are non-reviewable and are deemed final. However, if a visa is approved but later revoked, and that individual is on U.S. soil, the decision by the consular officer is reviewable in U.S. courts. My amendment would treat visa revocations similar to visa denials because the right of that person to be in the United States is no longer valid.

Current law handicaps our law enforcement and makes it nearly impossible to deport an alien if they already made it to the United States. It seems like a no-brainer that we would do everything possible to keep terrorists from running to the steps of our country’s courts, taking advantage of the system, and exploiting our laws.

Please check out my immigration page to see updates on immigration and more press releases.