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Norman Borlaug Gold Medal Ceremony  

Yesterday a Cresco Iowa native received the highest honor that Congress can bestow on someone – A Congressional Gold Medal. Borlaug joins the ranks of national legends such as George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II to name a few.

The U.S. Congress presents this distinguished award as its highest expression of national appreciation. At least two-thirds of federal lawmakers must sign on to support a nominee before his or her nomination is allowed to advance through committees in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate respectively. The first Congressional Gold Medal was awarded to George Washington in 1776.

Dr. Borlaug has become a good friend of mine and can not think of a better way to honor him than with this Gold Medal. The ceremony was in the U.S. Capitol of the Rotunda and it was packed full. President Bush attended and had very kind remarks about Borlaug.

Besides successful efforts to distribute food to the world, Borlaug has also earned recognition for helping to advance world peace. Borlaug said, “You can’t make peace on an empty stomach.” He was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1970. In 1986, during the economic farm crisis blanketing Iowa, Dr. Borlaug established the World Food Prize to recognize those whose work and achievements help eradicate hunger and advance human development by improving the quality, quantity and availability of the food supply. Dr. Borlaug launched the World Food Prize as a means to inspire others to join the Green Revolution.

From humble origins, this Iowa native has taken his Iowa work ethic to new heights and continues to burnish his legacy and lifelong devotion to wipe out hunger in the world.