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Remember the good old days with a dial up Hayes 300 baud Smartmodem that cost what a complete PC costs today?
A brisk Minnesota evening and awesome sunset.
The Most Desirable Celebrity Neighbor? This is going to drive the left nuts!
They're taking over the world - and the world kowtows to them. First the middle east, then Europe, now Australia. is a great site, but it does have some disadvantages in productivity
Caroline Kennedy: you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, etc.
Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) caused by human activity is a scam: Rebutted by more and more scientists.
@jayrosen_nyu Toughness is only acceptable for Republicans. Prediction: The Democrats will get a pass for the next 4 years.
The rain did a great job in knocking down some of the Minnesota snow piles, but the cold is back and turned the remaining stuff to ice.
@sanuzis Thanks for posting the blueprint. good ideas, especially the electronic communication. (no surprise: newspapers + media are dying)
Yummy way to consume the left-over turkey. Fry onions, green + red peppers, add to coarsely chopped turkey + cover with melted provolone
@THErealDVORAK - what happened to your blog? Everything is gone and one sentence is left that says: The post had been deleted.
@chrispirillo $800 for used camera with shot tape drive or $800 for a new one - not a difficult choice.
The Question of the Day: Do I go out shopping looking for deals or relax at home?
My 1-year old grandson had more fun playing with the empty boxes than the presents.
Just finished wrapping the last presents. The kids are still asleep. Whew!
A way to get around bogus tinyurls and other shortening services. It reverses the short url before clicking on it.
@chrisbrogan The print media is grasping for straws. Not going to happen. Just like conventions, it is dying.
Tough season - two dogs are sick (need to rent rug cleaner), 1 grandson sick + crying, wife had flu shot but is sick, and now I'm coughing.
@hughhewitt JCBliss only has 4 postings - not enough content


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