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Friends movie happened to make uncrate, props to the Duplass brothers
feel bad for the 5 zune owners who got the "zune screen of death" today
was just informed that "if u wash clothes someone will die, and if u sweep, u sweep ur luck away" on New Years Day.
Brought the Gaslight Anthem back out, remind anyone else of early Springstein? Or have I lost it?
What if a person had a report abuse feature? I think a lot of people would get notified that thought they were upright citizens. - wish I would have seen that before christmas.
if you own the mixxpopularRSS twitter account (or others) could you contact me at Thanks!
watching a documentary about "le cirque"
@jfc3 @olpcbrasil - no problem, cool video/ad, bit spooky though.
@pixelant guessed her xmas gift "is it a Durian?" "yep it is a Durian, the surprise is ruined"
@ngregory00 - oh he knows Thai Furry also? be scared be very scared.
Mr UPS guy, you better show up or there is going to be one upset Thai girl after you. You don't want her to unleash the Thai Furry
@jfc3 - you see that MJ is on his death bed? Needs a lung transplant amongst other things.
@HumanFolly - enjoyed your digg story, curious if you have the same thoughts on @mixx. Would love to discuss
@DanielthePoet - also if we were going to do something like that, we would tell you. We don't pride ourselves on being sneaky.
@DanielthePoet - the polls on @mixx are just for fun, we do not use any of the data to track or shape ad content.
@Octane - let us know what the submissions are via we want you batting 5 for 5.


Kevin Lawver Dan Cederholm noel Kyle Keith Svante Adermark Jeremy Keith Hickensian Snook Jeff Smith Jason Garber Jeremy Carbaugh Matthew Oliphant Jeff Croft Martin Ringlein Nick Whitmoyer John Gruber Kevin Tamura Kelly Gifford Jeffrey Zeldman Justin Thorp Jason Will Kern valli Alisa Jayna Wallace Greg chipd Carlos OKieffe Wesley Lindamood lisa Kerry Nicole Robert BryanL The Rubyist Jason Beaird