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Nice job, Twitter. Party like it's 2009.
@_evan Hold on, bro! Congratulations :)
@KCBSNews Best of the new year to you as well. Report: All is quiet in Piedmont :)
@miekow The taro will taste the same, but they look like goose eggs because they are pale. Do you have any advice?
The lotus plant is beautiful, and determined. I cannot find a world record for the largest lotus root.
We have turned Burdock root into gobo toothpicks. Into the fire. The satoimo needs color.
The tamago log is prepared.
Happy New Year, Brum!
All I should need to do is peel the taro and boil it in dashi for 30-45 minutes, then let cool overnight. Warming might make peeling easier.
Have to stop at Genova delicatessen in Oakland.
I think I found a bug I've been hunting many weeks.
Just received phishing spam purporting to be from
Looks like today is shaping up to be busy, traffic-wise.
Just finished reviewing a year's conversation as traded images.
One thing to do tomorrow - clean out the stats for noisy useless status codes. Then research.
What on earth is wrong with juice? The juice is good.
Sounds like a counter-protest to go along with the protest tonight. Traffic in San Francisco is probably going to be terrible.
Useful, but painfully mind-numbing, year-end tasks. On a more positive note: it sounds like things are good in the East Bay.
The novelty of the test instance has still not worn off.
Watching a 2242 character long log entry constantly rewritten.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams Krissy Bush Alissa Steve Jenson Jason Goldman Alex Payne Britt Selvitelle meangrape Evan Twitter Mark Hegge John Adams Larry Magid TEH CHANGELOG Maggie Utgoff Hammer robey Nick Kallen Abdur Chowdhury Matt Sanford Eric Jensen Kevin Thau Greg Pass George emee Sunil Davé Betty Winnacker tempdisplaced miekow Done. ronpepsitest KCBS 740AM/106.9FM