Issue 7

  Message from Senator Voinovich

Thank you for your interest in my e-newsletter. Communicating with my constituents has always been a top priority for me, and I look forward to regularly updating you on the work I’m doing to help Ohio and the nation. As this year comes to a close, I have been working tirelessly in Washington to represent the needs and interests of Ohioans on a variety of issues. I have also taken every opportunity I can to return to the state and personally visit with constituents. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to visit my Web Site at And please share this e-newsletter with your friends and family by forwarding it to their email!

  Leading the Nuclear Renaissance

As Ranking Member of the Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee, Sen. Voinovich is committed to the safe and secure growth of nuclear power to help meet our nation’s need for a clean, reliable, cost-effective and diverse energy supply. Recently, the senator chaired a roundtable to discuss America’s nuclear renaissance and the associated workforce challenges and opportunities. Each new nuclear plant constructed will employ between 1,400 and 1,800 people during construction with peak employment of up to 2,800. These jobs will include skilled trades such as welders, pipefitters, masons, carpenters, millwrights, sheet metal workers, electricians, ironworkers, heavy equipment operators, insulators, engineers, project managers and construction supervisors. The roundtable brought together the leaders from organized labor – including John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO – as well as leaders from the nuclear industry, academia, professional society and federal agencies to discuss the impending skilled labor shortage and its potential impact on the energy sector. The expansion of nuclear energy would create good-paying jobs in Ohio while helping the environment.

  Helping Ease the Foreclosure Crisis

In his continued effort to help ease Americans’ suffering from the foreclosure crisis, Sen. Voinovich recently introduced his Expanding American Homeownership (EAH) Act of 2007 – legislation which will allow Americans facing foreclosure or resetting interest rates to refinance without the usual burdens associated with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan. The bill will also increase home ownership opportunities for millions of Americans looking to purchase their first home. The House version of this bill passed overwhelmingly last year by a vote of 415-7. The EAH Act will enable FHA to help those facing foreclosure to refinance for lower rates while helping millions of low- and moderate-income families to buy a first home. Many of these borrowers currently must pay subprime rates because FHA lacks the ability to offer an affordable financing option. The companion bill in the House has nearly 20 cosponsors including Ohio Reps. Steve LaTourette and Deborah Pryce. The late Rep. Paul Gillmor of Ohio was also a cosponsor. Sen. Voinovich believes the government should do everything it can to not only help ease the current foreclosure crisis but also break down the barriers that separate Americans from the dream of homeownership. In May, Sen. Voinovich introduced the Mortgage Relief Act – legislation which will relieve families of a tax burden when their lender forgives part of the mortgage on a principal residence. The Mortgage Relief Act passed the House in October by a vote of 386-27 but has yet to be voted on in the Senate.

  Honoring the Legacy of Rep. Gillmor

After the untimely passing of U.S. Representative Paul E. Gillmor in September, Sen. Voinovich wanted to find a way to honor the legacy of his friend – the committed and hard-working legislator for Ohio’s 5th district. In October, Sen. Voinovich introduced legislation to name the U.S. Post Office in Tiffin, Ohio, after Rep. Gillmor. Most recently, the bill was unanimously passed by the Senate. The bill must next be passed by the House and it will then go to the president for his signature. Not far from his small home town of Old Fort, Tiffin was chosen in concurrence with the wishes of Rep. Gillmor's wife, Karen. Also, in his commitment to serve all of Ohio’s citizens, Sen. Voinovich invited service academy applicants from Ohio’s 5th district to contact his office for nominations until Rep. Gillmor’s seat is filled. As a long-time friend and colleague of Rep. Gillmor, the senator committed to ensuring his constituency was not deprived of the opportunity to attend a service academy and further serve our country while the office is vacant.

  Taking a Stand Against Human-Animal Hybrid Creation

Sen. Voinovich recently joined Sen. Sam Brownback and 13 other colleagues to introduce the Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act. The ever-increasing rate and breadth of technology has led some scientists to experiment with the creation of human-animal hybrids. Sen. Voinovich’s bill bans the creation of organisms that truly blur the line between humans and animals. The legislation is fair in that it does not view all human-animal mixes as “hybrids” because some procedures do not blur the line between species. For example, a human with a replacement pig heart valve is not considered a hybrid under the bill. Additionally, mixes that do not blur the line between human and animal such as a mouse created with a human immune-system to test drugs used for AIDS patients would not be banned. This common-sense bipartisan legislation will work to ensure that legitimate scientific research is not infringed upon, while helping ensure some scientists are not playing God with human life. The bill currently has a total of 18 cosponsors and is supported by organizations such as the Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, Friends of the Earth, International Center for Technology Assessment and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

  Supporting Local Health Care Programs

Recently, Sen. Voinovich hosted a roundtable discussion with Butler County Commissioners who have launched a health care program similar to Sen. Voinovich’s Health Partnership Act (HPA) legislation. Butler County’s program, HealthShare, could help thousands of workers and become a model for other Ohio counties. It is exactly the kind of effort HPA would encourage. HealthShare, which opened enrollment on September 1, 2007, is a two-year pilot project offering basic health benefits for people who are working in Butler County without health insurance, targeting families earning $55,000 or less and individuals earning $30,000 or less. The plan will offer limited medical coverage for services such as hospital care, doctor visits, physicals, X-rays and immunization shots. With the number of uninsured Americans now numbering more than 47 million, providing access to quality health care is one of the greatest domestic challenges facing the nation. Sen. Voinovich’s bipartisan HPA legislation is aimed at breaking the political logjam in Washington by allowing states like Ohio to experiment with health care reform options and reward them when they lower health care costs and make health insurance more affordable in their state.    

12/11 - In the Season of Giving, Give of Yourself
11/13 - An “Ohio Proud” Thanksgiving
11/07 - Good-paying Jobs Key to the American Dream