Issue 5

  Message from Senator Voinovich

Thank you for subscribing to my e-newsletter. Communicating with my constituents has always been a top priority for me, and I look forward to regularly updating you on the work I’m doing to help Ohio and the nation. It has recently been very busy in Washington, but I have had several opportunities to return to Ohio to work on a wide range of issues. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to visit my Web site at And please share this e-newsletter with your friends and family by forwarding it to their email!

  Sen. Voinovich Visits Iraq, Proposes a Responsible Way Forward

Recently, Sen. Voinovich, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, visited Iraq and met with General Petraeus and other key leaders on the ground. Sen. Voinovich has been working behind the scenes trying to forge a bipartisan compromise for moving forward in Iraq and is working with his colleagues to help America speak with one voice. To get that done, he has drafted legislation on a way forward in Iraq.


Sen. Voinovich’s legislation would: 1) State that a precipitous withdrawal of forces would have dangerous consequences for U.S. national security; 2) Make clear that the U.S. must remain engaged in Iraq for the foreseeable future; 3) Cite the recommendation of General Petraeus that a reduction of forces is imminent; 4) Call for the reduction to commence no later than 120 days after enactment; 5) Call for an increased role for the U.N. and other regional allies; 6) Call for a transition of the mission to focus on specific areas that are critical to U.S. objectives; 7) Not set an arbitrary deadline by Congress for the transition of mission – but require the administration, working in conjunction with the generals on the ground, to report back with a comprehensive plan; 8) Require the Secretary of Defense to report back in 180 days with a proposed date for completing a plan for reducing instability in Iraq and the region as forces are reduced.

  President Bush Backs Sen. Voinovich’s Mortgage Relief Act

President Bush recently delivered a speech from the White House addressing the nation’s mortgage crisis. The president said that one of the ways to help ease the problem is to enact Sen. Voinovich’s Mortgage Relief Act of 2007 – bipartisan legislation he wrote and introduced in May along with Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). This vital legislation works to change current law that forces individuals to pay income tax when they have part of their mortgage loan forgiven, either as a result of a work-out with the lender, a short sale or a foreclosure. The Internal Revenue Service currently taxes any loan forgiveness as “income.” This tax actually penalizes those who are trying to work out a deal with their lender in a responsible manner. Removing this tax penalty encourages homeowners and lenders to work together voluntarily so that payments are manageable and foreclosure can be avoided. The Mortgage Relief Act will relieve families of a tax burden when their lender forgives part of the mortgage on a principal residence. Sen. Voinovich and the president are working with Congress to right this wrong as quickly as possible.

  Visiting Chillicothe’s VA Medical Center

Recently, Sen. Voinovich – Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Oversight of Government Management – toured the Chillicothe Veterans' Affairs Medical Center and met with the director to discuss remodeling plans for the facility. In addition, Sen. Voinovich took time to visit with veterans in several patient wards. A long-time advocate for responsible management and efficiency, Sen. Voinovich is deeply committed to the needs of veterans young and old alike. He is concerned about the serious management challenges facing the VA and has worked to help alleviate the backlog of veterans’ disability claims in Ohio. The Chillicothe VA Medical Center plays an important role in helping all of our veterans lead healthy and productive lives. During his visit, Sen. Voinovich also met with members of the Vocational Rehabilitation program and honored companies who work with the Center to hire veterans. The visit held great significance to Sen. Voinovich, because he thinks this program – and others like it – are paramount in demonstrating to veterans how much their service is appreciated.

  Ensuring Ohio's Flood Victims Are Cared For

As a senior member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Environment and Public Works Committees, Sen. Voinovich has oversight responsibility for both FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers. These federal agencies are key to northwest Ohio’s short- and long-term recovery, and Sen. Voinovich is committed to working with them to ensure the federal government is doing everything possible to help citizens return to their normal lives as soon as possible. Recently, Sen. Voinovich hosted two roundtable discussions at the University of Findlay to discuss the response and recovery efforts for the counties affected by last month’s storms and severe flooding as well as ongoing flood mitigation efforts. The first roundtable with local officials, first responders, emergency managers and FEMA discussed emergency management response issues at the federal, state and local levels. The second roundtable discussed the status of an ongoing flood mitigation study by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and ways that the federal government can help with future flood reduction efforts. Going forward, Sen. Voinovich pledged to do everything he can to not only recover from this tragedy, but to ensure that the affected communities continue to learn how to better prepare for the tremendous challenges that natural disasters will impose in the future.

  Grand Opening of Jackson County’s Expanded Early Child Development Center

Recently, Sen. Voinovich celebrated the grand opening of the Early Child Development Center of Jackson County with community leaders and members. He acknowledged that the new facility will provide expanded educational and economic development opportunities for Jackson residents. Sen. Voinovich has secured $700,000 in appropriations for the center. The funds enabled the center to move locations and construct a new facility. In conjunction with assisting the center, the funds also helped Michelina’s – a local food manufacturer in Jackson – expand onto the property of the previous center, creating several hundred jobs. Without Sen. Voinovich’s funding, the center would not have been able to move, nor would Michelina’s have been able to expand, ultimately helping the local economy grow.

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