Thursday, December 18, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 3:12 PM
Paul Weyrich was a leader and a pioneer.  In co-founding the Heritage Foundation, Paul not only built one of America’s great grassroots organizations, but helped to change the course of the Republican Party and the country itself.  His fingerprints can be clearly seen on so many of the great conservative victories over the years.

Paul’s political conscience was like a guiding rudder through even the foggiest policy debate.  And in the rough-and-tumble world of politics he never backed down.  He was a fighter – but he always waged his battles with warmth, grace and good humor.

We will miss Paul dearly.  And our prayers are with the Weyrich family at this most difficult time.

But we can take heart in knowing that, even years from now, as memories fade, his legacy will grow ever brighter in the light of the freedoms he fought for, the principles he stood for, and the noble ideas he so eloquently and passionately championed. 

The importance of the blogosphere in shaping and motivating the current conservative movement is unquestionable not only has it served as an important tool in breaking through the liberal MSM clutter but it has helped to keep our elected officials true to princicple.
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