Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 8:29 PM
Driving through the district today, gas station after gas station displayed gas prices around the $2 mark. The lowest price I saw today was $2.06 in Elk River. It seems like only yesterday papers and pundits in my district and around the country were mocking the mere notion of $2 gas -- but here we are.

What happened the past few months to lower the cost of gas? Several things, but perhaps most importantly, Congress has let the ban on offshore oil exploration and oil shale expire, sending a signal to the markets that the United States may finally be ready to up their supply. Also, the collapse of the global markets has stabilized the American dollar. In other words, we're now getting more bang for our buck.

But to forget about the heavy strain that gas prices have had on the American household and economy over the past year - from filling up the gas tank to buying groceries - would be setting ourselves up for another fuel crisis in the near future.

Today I met with local inventors and innovators in St. Cloud to discuss their work on clean and renewable energy technologies and to discuss my legislation, H.R. 6716, the Promoting New American Energy Act, that would help us pave the way to American energy independence.  

The Promoting New American Energy Act would launch a wave of energy research, investment and innovation by aggressively accelerating tax depreciation for cutting-edge and renewable energy technologies – making America’s energy production more competitive with foreign nations.

Present at the St. Cloud meeting were Dave Wendorf from Sartec, a company developing algae for use as an alternative fuel; Dan Stevens, Director of Regulatory Affairs at CDC Enterprise, Inc.; David Tripp, Executive Director of Metro Transit, which adapted a bus to run on french fry oil; and Diane Moeller, principal of the Kennedy Community School in St. Joseph, where they are exploring a variety of innovative energy technologies on campus.

We need to take an All-of-the-Above approach to energy and open up our onshore and offshore oil and natural gas stockpiles, as well as pursue alternative forms of energy. To do one without the other would be self-defeating.

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ReadABook writes: Wednesday, October, 29, 2008 11:16 PM
Why would I listen
to anyone so anti-American?

Gotta go give 10 bucks to your opponent!

And show me one economist in the world who says the drop in gas has anything to do with NON-EXISTANT new production. The drop in oil is related to decreasing demand due to the global slowdown, a stronger dollar and the flight from commodities that have driven the price of al traded commodities through the basement.

How can a congresswoman be so unbelievably ill-informed on basic econonmics? How does she not fall down more?
foxmustang writes: Wednesday, October, 29, 2008 11:17 PM
You're slightly off ...
on why the gasoline prices have plummeted. You credit the expiration of the Congressional ban on offshore drilling. This is not the primary reason. Lower gas prices coresponds with the lift, by President George Bush, of the executive ban on offshore drilling on July 14, 2008. The speculators must have left the oil commodities market the next day, because the price of crude oil started down on July 15. It has continued down, almost without exception, every day since then. The price of oil did tick up for about 2 or 3 days in conjunction with Hurricanes Gustav and Ike coming ashore on the Gulf coast, but immediately started down again when it was determined there was no catastrophic damage.
The Democrat-led Congress deserves next to no credit for the lower fuel prices. The Congressional ban on offshore drilling was due to expire on August 31. Nancy Pelosi (D) House leader and Harry Reid (D) Senate leader, told there fellow Dems that publicly we will support letting the ban expire, but behind the scenes they would work to get the ban reinstated. They even told the Dems that were up for reelection to vote yes on letting the ban expire, for reelection purposes, because "we have enough votes to block it anyway". However after seeing how popular the falling gas prices were, they knew then they couldn't block the ban from expiring. What arrogant weasels Pelosi and Reid are! If Obama wins, they'll have even more power. SCARY!!!!!!!
Dose of Reality writes: Wednesday, October, 29, 2008 11:26 PM
Dont Worry
BHO said tonite he was going to tap into the strategic oil reserves, so all our energy problems are solved...
karmic backlash writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:26 AM
Amazing! It's election time!
Go figure! With the election around the corner, the gas prices go miraculously DOWN! How utterly convenient! Kind of makes the prices at their highest seem verrrrrry suspect, doesn't it?

Like the "terror alerts" of 2004 that were used to manipulate a scared American into voting for a dumby, expect the gas prices lowering at this critical time to play a big part of the oil giants' ruse to keep the GOP in the WH. And why wouldn't they try? after all the GOP has done SUCH a good job for the mightiest and greediest to date, haven't they?
Perceptor II writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 8:20 AM
Lower prices
I have to agree with Michelle's fellow Republican Rep. Mark Souder: "An economic downturn is not an energy policy."

As for that canard that the uneducated like to spout, that gas prices come down around every election, well, that's because they always come down in the fall when demand goes down.
COLONEL JON RAMBO writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 8:28 AM
No matter who become President I do believe that oil will slowly rise again. It will never be as it was in 00, NEVER!
The temporary relief we see here, is just that -A TEMP FIX-- by the world oil cartel to somehow influence the election. It is a major even around the globe when the United States has a Presidential election. All nations are affected. It only makes sense that they will act accordingly in their best interests.
So, don't sweat it, while we're enjoying it now- it won't last. I know this to be a FACT! How you say: I've read the last chapter in the Book!
Be Blessed and Return to Yeshua for your Salvation!
Martha writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 8:43 AM
Amen, Ms. Bachman.
And by the way, I donated to your campaign. And I hardly EVER donate to anybody's campaign. Go get 'em! =)
james beam writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 8:58 AM
read a book
you relly need to get out more ,yes the global slowdown is the primary reason prices have dropped ,they also drop everytime we indicate we are willing to produce more . because commodity prices are based on the speculation of future prices anything that may change potential supply effects the price whether its the belief that we may finally start producing and more at home or the spike in price everytime a major hurricane hits the gulf
my2centsplus writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 9:35 AM
And who is in congress?
Oh yea. that would be the democrates.

Lower gas prices? Check.
Now, I will believe Obama on tax relief! He's already fulfilled lower gas prices!
my2centsplus writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 9:41 AM
Dose of reality
Ummm I was listening too. He said NATURAL gas reserves. Now, I know some of you out there don't know the difference, but natural gas is what heats your homes. Some cars (not many) do run on it. In fact, here in Utah, it is well below the price of regular gas. Natural gas is cleaner and it is cheaper to get to market. Ther is drawbacks to it. The performance of vehicles on it, is not as good, for one. BUT, it would be possible, if you had the equipment (about 3K), to refuel your vehicle in your garage. Then, you gas bill is paid with... your home heating bill.
So, while there is a lot on both sides to dig at, this one is just another red herring that the GOP (of which I am apart of) thinks they can use. He said Natural gas, not Oil reserverves. Start Listening.
Joe writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 9:43 AM
off shore drilling helped, but
the biggest change was consumers driving less as the price of oil went up. The global recession also drove down demand. Supply and demand.
Lone writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 10:45 AM
Record Exxon Profits.....

...What a Relief!

Earning 14.83 Billion in the third quarter.

Go Cavs! writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 10:58 AM
Maybe you should stop buying gas! Tell the 70,000 plus Exxon employees that. This company makes that money because the company is huge. Its not a local restaurant. Also that profit goes to stockholders in making every share more valuable. This is America buddy, not Soviet Russia.
DIAMOND Z writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:05 AM
obama causes the gas to go up.and the whole world gets kinda sick!OBAMA IS NOT GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY. GAS PRICES ARE DOWN BECAUSE MCCAIN PALIN WILL WIN!
don writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:24 AM
what an amazing coincidence
What a surprise!

5 days before the election, gas is near $2. Next Monday, the press will be reporting in ecstatic headlines prices UNDER $2.

Kind of takes McCain's big issue off the table, doesn't it.

Gee, Obama sure is lucky.

The Middle East and Russia control the price of oil, but that couldn't have anything to do with it, could it? No inclination there to have a tough-guy like Obama POTUS. This is probably all driven by "speculators", as the genius Bill O'Reilly has told us hundreds of times.

A month ago, I predicted $2 gas by Nov 3.

Now I predict $3 gas by Dec 1, $4 by early next year, regardless of who is elected.
Jeffrey writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:25 AM
Cuckoo lady
is blogging for Town Hall?? LOL. It is highly unlikely that after her meltdown on Hard Ball that Ms. Bachmann will be returning to Congress, so her views are largely irrelevant. America does not need the second coming of Sen. Joe McCarthy. In fact, if Ms. Bachmann had any sense of decency, she would withdraw from her House race.
Jeff writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:38 AM
Obama will take
credit for the lower gas prices if he is elected. He will claim that he is going to use some of the gas savings to reward those who have been downtrodden in our country and just can't catch a break. Welcome to the world of the leftist illuminati and Obama's Socialism!
foxmustang writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:53 AM
(in reference to falling oil prices)....
"and who is in Congress.....that would be the Democrats......lower gas prices...check"

And who was in charge of Congress when oil prices went through the stratospere?
Go Cavs! writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:06 PM

I understand that you might not like the idea of there being anti-American people and it obviously has touched a nerve. However unpleasant you find it to be understand that there are some people who act in an anti- American way. Thats not to call them losers or bad people but its to say that their ideas differ with the American system. We are a capatilist society, if one adopts more socialist or facist ideas and policies its not that their bad but their ideas differ from American basics. I think that is something that will plague America if we continue to move left and elect Obama. For some reason your lumping AntiAmericans with enemies of America whan this is not the case.

For example I think Obama, as stated by McCain is a good, decent person but I believe that some of his ideas are contarary to American ideals thus making his ideas anti American and these policies would work against our system. Ms. Bachman is a moderate Republican who has voted well for her constituents and fought the do- nothing congress for some time now. Your comments about her are both uneducated and pretty pathetic. Tell me how do you feel about Murthas recent comments regarding the PA race? His are far more revealing than Ms Bachmans, in fact most sane people would agree with Bachman!
William writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:15 PM
EIA Primer on Gasoline Prices
A good source of information on gasoline prices (crude oil prices, seasonal fluctuations, etc.) is available at rimer/index.html. This is brochure DOE/EIA-X040, which is produced by the US Energy Information Association.
DocInsight writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:26 PM
Quick, tell me where the nearest CNG filling station is to your house ... or work place ... or favorite restaurant. That's what I thought - there are none. And that lack of infrastructure is a fatal flaw in the push for CNG to replace what already exists in abundance, is convenient, is a known BTU provider, etc.

You can't lurch away from something established towards a glittering figment of our imagination.
Jeffrey writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:31 PM
Sorry Jeff I'm not buying it
I've watched the YouTube video several times. If anyone is antithetical to American ideals, it's a politician like Bachmann. She wants to see an investigation of Congress for anti-American views. Then, despite the video/audio evidence, lies about what she said and blames her words on Chris Matthews. I think she said what she really thinks: her values are "real" American values, and those who disagree with her are "unAmerican." The backlash against her is clear and she just cost herself the election. She's a religious wackjob and we don't need that in government. Do you think her colleagues back in Congress will have anything to do with her, now that she's demanded they be investigated by the media?? Hasn't she rendered herself utterly ineffective in the halls of Congress?
Brad writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 12:43 PM
Not a good sign..
Already there were reports of slight increase in sale of SUVs and pickup ruck..So it looks like consumption is poised to increase and hence prices too.

Secondly as oil is down and dollar is strong its a double easier for businesses to import things from elsewhere than to produce here. Chineese or Taiwan manufactures will also be happy to export more as they get more dollars. That means more outsourcing of all kind of work and more job cuts here in USA.

I remember reading a comment by a high end furniture manufacturer in North Carolina that its getting more sensible to assemble furniture here (parts still made elsewhere) when dollar was weak and Oil was around $130 a barrel instead of shipping parts from various places in China & Taiwan to a central location in China, assemble it there and then ship all the way to USA. Alas, NC'ans lost an opportunity for some extra jobs now.
Go Cavs! writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:00 PM
Your do nothing dems didnt want to work with her anyways. Its well time somebody said something about the lack of representation the Americans have gotten out of our Congress over the last few years. These Dems, and you Jeffrey, worry about re-election far to much. These worries about re-election means we're only getting 4 years work for six years pay. The goals Bachman has expressed on this blog have been aimed at getting our legislators to do their jobs. And why not have the meda invetigate every single congressperson, Dems and Repubs alike, and give the average American the ability to have a gov't thsat actually works. If Bachmn fails to get re-elected she has still done an honest and admirable thing. A question for Jefferey: Why would you not want the media to investigate our reps?
AmericanWoman writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:02 PM
Hedge funds have been dumping
and the dollar is up.
Jeffrey writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:07 PM
Go Cavs
You are part of the problem. Witch hunts are not the answer to getting a far right agenda enacted. Investigate "our reps" for what? Who gets to decide if they're pro- or anti-American? Michele Bachmann?? I don't think so. We've studied history and the actions of Sen. McCarthy of Wisconsin have been soundly rejected. Of course people should know what they're representatives are doing! And that's why the media in Minnesota have exposed Bachmann's comments, and her constituents are rejecting her. She is trailing her opponent, a little known and underfunded candidate. Frankly you could be in love with this woman but because she will be shunned by her colleagues, voting for her and paying her a salary is a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
William writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:13 PM
What Good is the House Subcommittee if..
Go Cavs!

Following up on your remark, why is it that someone like Michele Bachmann (who is on the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations) is demonized for stating the obvious? Some legislators should be investigated for continually taking money from their "best boys" at Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Countrywide Mortgage (Friends of Angelo). Yet these legislators never are investigated! They simply retain their seat year after year.
Bob writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:16 PM
Dear Intelligent, beautiful and smack on the money Lady:
Maybe this has already been said. If so, forgive me.
Can Jimmy Carter be described any other way but Anti-American. He hugs and gushes over every professed America hater on the planet?
Can an ex-US marine, US Congressman, say that American Marines killed Iraq civilians, in cold blood, before their trial begins, be a person who, in any way, loves his country?
If we judge John Kerry by what he has said about his colleagues in arms, which were proven only to the degree that his colleagues were more honorable and civilized than the American general public, un-American is an understatement.
You've opened this discussion which all of the sheep were afraid to do. It will, now, be vetted in your favor.

God bless you, & also, may he campaign tirelessly in your behalf.


Bob Carney
Harrison Twp. MI
h20skier writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:26 PM
Who is in charge of Congress when the financial meltdown hit? Democrats - Check. They should all be voted out of office. Who was in charge of Congress when the Dow has crashed? Democrats - Check. Who in Congress prevent the production of energy at every turn? Democrats - Check. Who decided that politicians can take your property for any reason at any time? A liberal Supreme Court which Obama and the Democrats promise. Check.
Go Cavs! writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:38 PM
How is it that Im part of the problem? My one little vote? And no Bachmann does not decide but the voters do. This is how its done in America. Say for example Sen Joe Sixpack(Rep) in your district was found to be on he take. How would you vote? Now Bill 40OZ(Dem)was on the take? Again ho would you vote? Believe me, I know there are those on either side of the aisle that needs to go home and never return. The point is not to get right wing agenda through but a real congress who worries about the people and not their precious little power plays($$$). Politics aside Jeffrey wouldnt you like to trust your legislature? Wouldnt you like to know whos on the take? Wouldnt you like to know whos in cahoots with organizations that take our money for themselves? Why do you think the approval rating for congress is so shameful? They have left us out under the bus and frankly I am sick of it. You seem to imply that a guy like me wants to see the dems all burned at the stake. This is not true, many are good people(2007 Obama voted with Bush %40) who vote for the people. Obama ran on the message that its to be a new age of politics, clean and appropriate but when a Repub says clean it out the libs go haywire.

Ive tried to answer your question and have shown that I am completley bipartisan concering media invetigations for the public good. Now try to answer mine!

barak writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 1:55 PM
I hope you post is a joke. If not, you have no right to be calling anyone else a dummy!

The "Big Oil" companies are schilling to McCain to try and get him elected, is that right? Hmmm, maybe if that was the case they would have reduced prices back when it would have made a difference. For months Obama has slammed the Bush Admin and Republicans on the price of gas being close to $5/gallon. Now with a less than a week to go, the price drops to help McCain!? You must be on something.

And if this is the case, then why would Wall Street cave just now to make the economy the number one issue, which is always bad for the incumbent party. Wouldn't George, Dick and John's pals down at the Club wait till after the election and a McCain win (he was leading in the polls until the market creashed) before they sent the economy into a tailspin?!

Whatever you are on...I want some.
Go Cavs! writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 2:01 PM
You ask why she was demonized, personally I think she shoud be commended. She has comitted an incredibly brave and selfless act here. Just the kind of act every American should respond to by saying there is a true American Congresswoman. But semantics is the problem. The left seem to think theres a taboo restriction to the use of such a powerful word. The truth is that every congressperson should act in a way that will never allow temselves to cast in such a negative way. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

I work in a media studio recording audio. If I don't work hard on my projects they sound like crap and I'll get the reputation of being a bad engineer. I often have to make my clients work harder and will tell them at the start of a project "when this is over and finished your gonna think Im an AHOLE." My favorite response was "as long as I can say it to your face." I wish I got this fearless ethical behaviour from the congress not just certain stand up people like Bachmann.

My point is that I work far longer days than any of the congresspeople do for far less money and I am very scrupulous with my ethics. And no one can say otherwise.

Reap what you sow! or sew! or so?
Jeffrey writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 3:58 PM
Go Cavs, what are you talking about?
I'm talking about Michele Backmann, the Congresswoman who appeared on Chris Matthews' "Hard Ball" news program and said that Barack Obama was anti-America (whatever that means) and that all members of Congress, House and Senate, should be investigated by the media to determine if they are "pro- or anti-America". There must be some problem in talking like this because her opponent got big bucks from across the country; and she lied about what she said. Then she said she was tricked into saying what she said by Matthews. So which is it? If she's right, why is she apologizing? Why is she going to lose her seat because of this? Read the Minneapolis Star-Tribune and see what her constituents think of her.
Terry writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 4:12 PM
Gas prices have not gone down to near $2.00 due to anything she has done -- other than her economic policies. It has nothing to do with drilling or allowing more drilling. It is because we can not afford to drive nearly as much and the demand is reflected in the price.

This woman is a JOKE. She doesn't know anything about economics at all.
William writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 6:43 PM
No Taxation Without Representation
I don't understand why people find it difficult to understand why a person such as myself, who is a Ron Paul Republican, would support Rep. Bachmann. I simply have no interest in big party politics, and I don't see the "Bachmann incident" as relevant. (In fact, I see it as a veiled attempted to either gain a seat on the HFSC or rid the HFSC of a Republican seat, particularly on the SOOAI.) What is of relevance to me are the recent actions of Congress and the Fed, who increased the monetary base by over $2 trillion (and are now discussing a plan to provide government guarantees for up to $600 billion of home mortgages to help prevent foreclosures)(see Reuters: U.S. Mulls up to $600 Billion in Home Loan Guarantees). In her recent Op-Ed in the Washington Times, Congresswoman Bachmann states, " I'm working on legislation that would scale back the unrestricted powers of the Federal Reserve Board. Due to a Depression-era law, the Fed is empowered to become the lender of last resort so long as five of the Board's governors consent to the decision. There is absolutely no Congressional oversight of this virtually unmitigated power, and not one check or balance via the president or Treasury. All it takes is the approval of five unelected people who agree on what constitutes "unusual and exigent circumstances" in the marketplace and taxpayers - and their pocketbooks - are on the hook again. That is not what our Founding Fathers had intended for America. " When she speaks of the Founding Fathers, she is refering to "No taxation without representation, "a primary reason colonists broke away from England and the Parliament." Isn't this what has been happening to the American taxpayer since the Federal Reserve Bank of New York made an emergency loan to Bear-Stearns in March of this year?
Mark writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 7:36 PM
sending money to your oppenent...
RickV404 writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 9:44 PM
Won't last.
The higher prices for oil/gas for the past five years is entirely the result of inflation - the Federal Reserve printing dollars to pay for the extravagant spending of Bush and Congress. Wait until the election is over, oil will be over $100 a barrel again, if not $200. These government people just keep on spending. A trillion in bailouts have to be paid for and the most convenient, most deceptive way to pay is inflation. The Republicans still control the presidency so they basically control the Fed. It lowered inflation in 2006, for the sake of the election that year. It didn't save the Republicans from losses then, it won't save them now. We'll be hearing this chorus of drill, drill, drill from Conservatives again, not to mention Democratic plans to tax oil companies, once Bernanke gets the money machine going again. They may be courteous and let the holidays get out of the way, but I doubt it.
Robert writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:00 PM
Mixed messages...again
I've been hearing that the biggest reason gas prices have gone down is because of a decrease in demand here in the US...the simple concept of supply and demand which is the first thing any economics 101 course explains. When demand goes up, price goes up as a way of curbing demand to help insure there is enough supply to go around. And when demand goes down, price goes down since there is now an overbundance of supply to meet the demand (assuming of course that supply was increased in response to increased demand, AND those who set the prices, for example gas station owners, actually lower their prices because the price they paid decreased and they were kind enough to lower their prices for us consumers). This is the first time I've heard the price drop in gasoline being attributed to bans being lifted or the strengthening of the dollar resulting from the global economic collapse. So here we go with these mixed messages again. Although I guess it's possible all these reasons may have contributed. I tend to believe the main reason is we are using less fuel. I've heard on the news today that consumer spending decreased dramatically recently, so people are finding ways to save money, which would definately include finding ways to save gas. As for increased drilling, I'm all for it as long as we don't depend on it long term. I feel it should be a short term solution only. Developing and increasing alternative energy use is what we must do now for the long term.
don writes: Friday, October, 31, 2008 12:13 PM
this is BS
This "relief" is temporary.

Shockingly, shockingly, McCain's biggest issue is a non-issue on election day. Who could have imagined it!!

The price of gas was destined to be under $2 by election day because the Middle East and Russia control the price of oil, and both are working for Obama's election. I predicted it 2 months ago.

Gas will be at $3 by the end of November, and close to $4 by early 2009 no matter who is elected. Of course, Obama will be happy about it, and McCain will be working to get US drilling kick-started.
don writes: Friday, October, 31, 2008 12:16 PM
1% change in demand. 50% price change?
Robert writes: Thursday, October, 30, 2008 11:00 PM
Mixed messages...again
I've been hearing that the biggest reason gas prices have gone down is because of a decrease in demand here in the US...the simple concept of supply and demand which is the first thing any economics 101 course explains. When demand goes up, price goes up as a way of curbing demand to help insure there is enough supply to go around. "

a 1-3% change in demand does not cause a 50% change in a price. Sorry, that isn't the way it works. And NOBODY believes the BS that a Democratic Congress will increase drilling if the POTUS is Obama (God forbid). The opposite is far more likely. Drilling in the US will decline.

William writes: Friday, October, 31, 2008 1:08 PM
New Wall Street Journal Article 10/31
An article was posted by Keith Johnson in the Wall Street Journal today titled "Peak Oil: Are Oil Prices Destined to Rise Again?" He begins his article by stating: "Crude oil futures continued down on Friday, spooked by the dim outlook for the U.S. economy. That’s precisely what makes it likely oil prices will rebound next year."
Clay writes: Sunday, November, 02, 2008 3:24 PM
Oil Goes Down, Oil Goes Up
One thing for sure, the price of oil is going either up or down. Why fight it. If you think its going up, buy shares of DIG and if you think the price is going down, buy DUG. These are two ProShares ETFs. Have fun.
LLR writes: Sunday, November, 02, 2008 3:41 PM
Did you ever
Did you ever
Did you ever think you would live long enough to see the first United States of America COUP?
And he brings along setting up his own militia?
Too bad so many people are so blind to this man Obama!

Michael writes: Monday, November, 03, 2008 3:33 PM
What A Joke
Taking credit for lower oil prices while not one new offshore oil well has been drilled
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