Thursday, November 13, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 3:59 PM
If you haven't applied for your bailout yet, what are you waiting for? The way the government's handing out money, why not jump on board the bailout train?

The World Newser, ABC World News' Daily Blog does a great job detailing how the Treasury Department is using the recently passed $700 billion appropriated for the "TARP," or Troubled Asset Recovery Program, to buy up bank stock.  As you will recall, Congress was sold on the bailout as a plan to buy up troubled assets, but that plan appears to be on a far back burner. That's one heck of a bait-and-switch.

Secretary Paulson even said on Wednesday that when the $700 billion bailout bill was signed into law he knew that purchasing troubled assets wasn't the right solution to the problem.

Remember the "urgency" to pass a bailout bill to buy up troubled assets or else face economic ruin the likes the world has never seen? Good thing we rushed to pass a bill on premises that we now know were wrong from the very start.

I voted against both versions of the bailout bill that came before the House of Representatives because they did nothing to address the fundamental root of the crisis, and that was the credit crunch. But the bill is now law, and America is paying for it dearly.  And, our children will pay still more dearly for it.

AIG hit us up for $85 billion in September, but apparently that wasn’t enough because they recently hit the taxpayer up again, upping the ante to $150 billion. And now the auto industry is knocking on the door for their next bailout. Could the airline industry be next? There is no end in sight and no rationale to determine who is and who is not deemed credible to be "bailed out." There is no oversight, and no accountability.  And, taxpayers deserve better.

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Martha writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 4:10 PM
tell it.
Tell it, Mrs. Bachmann.
Kenny Z writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 4:11 PM
Living large
They all loved living large at the resorts and best hotels. We are stupid enough to pay their way and they are smart enough to take advantage. Sows how much they care for our country.
Kenny Z writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 4:12 PM
Living large
That should have been "show" and not "sow". Sorry.
Exeye writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 4:18 PM
Thank you
For your votes. And for your re-election. And for being the last one or two Americans left in Congress.
An American Taxpayer writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 4:21 PM
Bail Time
You can't paint it all with the same paintbrush.

When Chrysler was bailed out, long ago, it saved jobs. Iacocca was roasted for it, but he paid back every penny.

There was some integrity to that, but today, CEOs aren't like that at all.

This was just the ultra rich helping out the ultra rich.

Boils down to integrity and morals. Did I say that???
ReadABook writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 5:41 PM
do I have to be
a Real American to get a bailout? What if I'm anti-American?
William writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 5:44 PM
I Want to Be a Bank!
Many people may be unaware of changes that were recently made to the Internal Revenue Code, specifically to Section 382 (Corporate Loss Limitation Rules). The changes made by the Internal Revenue Service are designed to provide "relief from the income tax rules governing a change in ownership in a bank" and applies to BANKS ONLY. Normally, Section 382(h)limits the ability of a bank that acquires another bank to use certain losses of the bank that is being acquired. However, under the recent tax change, the acquiring bank will be allowed to offset its income against losses (net operating losses) of the acquired bank. This reduces the overall tax obligations of the acquiring bank. Congress was not consulted before the tax changes were made. I believe that Wells Fargo Bank pushed for these changes prior to its acquisition of Wachovia Bank. The primary reason Wells Fargo acquired Wachovia was to have a presence on both the East and West Coasts. It is estimated that Wells Fargo will save more than $20 billion dollars in tax obligations. Now, NON-BANK FINANCIAL SERVICERS, including lenders such as GE, GMAC, American Express, etc., are becoming banks and bank holding companies so that they can receive the same tax relief and government assistance that banks are receiving under the new tax changes. Insurance companies could be next. The moral: Become a Bank!

Alleycat writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 6:37 PM
Don't "BAILOUT" Detroit!!

Everyone has to sacrifice something...didn't Joe Biden say it's "Patriotic" to pay taxes?? Yet, he "gives" virtually NOTHING to charity of his own accord...SO...I'm starting to see the picture here.

WE, the "little people"...the insignificant ones upon whom the US Economy depends, who get up and go to work everyday, cut back on oil/gas consumption (not only due to high cost but to conserve...anyone remember: GLOBAL WARMING??), give to charities with both $$$$ and time, not to mention tithing to our churches/ministries, attempt to instill both manners and good values of every kind in our children...YES, US!! (Remember US??)

We should have to pay more taxes in one form or another (taxes themselves, cost of goods...however, it shows up) so AIG can go on party junkets to resorts?? and CEOs of the Big 3 Automakers can MAKE $40M per year, yet LOSE over $200B??

Let the Big 3 GO BANKRUPT!! They either make it or they don't!!

And let the UAW pony up this time, like the rest of us do!! NO BAILOUT FOR DETROIT (Big 3!!)...SHAPE UP OR GOODBYE!!
Perceptor II writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 6:54 PM
How can Democrats rail against "corporate welfare" for eight years, then turn around and dole out what amounts to corporate welfare on steroids?
Apollo writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 7:11 PM
Bush Defends Free Market?
Bush spoke today about the value of the free market and how a new global economic system must not destroy it.

After what he's done to destroy what little freedom remains in the market there are only two explanations for what he said today: He's stupid, or he's crazy.

I'm starting to think that Kucinich was right and that we need to arrest Bush after he leaves office, but not for war crimes. He needs to be detained on a 72 hour hold so that psychiatrists can evaluate him and determine if it's stupidity or lunacy that is behind his actions.
Dread writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 7:22 PM
I should get stared on that.

I'll need a business plan. I know...

1. Make loans to people who fill out their applications in crayon and put "Justice League" as their employer.
2. Bundle these crappy loans together with good loans, slap a sexy sounding acronym on it and dump it on investors.
3. Sell bets to hedge the risk to more investors.
4. Sell bets on the bets to hedge risk to more investors.
5. Sell bets on the bets on the bets to more investors.
6. Sell one more bet on the above to the government of Iceland.
7. Cash out my stock options, reap millions.
8. When bad loans default, tell everyone they're outta luck.
9. Go to the government for a bailout because I'm TOO BIG TO FAIL
10. Golden Parachute!!!
11. Get new job in Federal Reserve or Treasury Department.


11. Laugh at the idiots left holding the bill from the beaches of Aruba, while sleeping on a large pile of cash with many beautiful women.
SheerFaith writes: Thursday, November, 13, 2008 7:44 PM
Pandora's Box
We've opened it. How will it ever be closed? The bailout illuminati are flying around like screaming meemies. Or is that screaming, "Me, me!" Of course, there will be some expected payback by the unions. Welcome to Pandemonium.
Brad writes: Friday, November, 14, 2008 10:14 AM
The Cost of Ignorance
The prophet Hosea said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). We are seeing the same thing now in our nation. I can't believe that we would give this much power to the very people that caused this mess and expect them to fix it. I believe our new president and congress will use this economic situation as a cloak to usher in every evil imaginable. It turns my stomach to see our youth so sold out to liberal socialist philosophies. They are like a machine. Facts do not matter and they are unable to reason. I am thankful for Rep. Bachmann. She is one of the few representatives who will stick her neck out there and stand up for what is right.
Hskrwbl writes: Friday, November, 14, 2008 10:26 AM
I think we need a form we can fill out and fax in to make a claim for our share of the bailout. Perhaps someone has a form maker software and a modicum of wit and can put together a little something to send in.

The reality is we are going to suffer in either case, so my preference at least is that a few of the big guys who ran companies into the ground find themselves penniless and homeless.

Capitalism did not fail, government failed. Corruption won. Morality lost. Unions killed the goose, but the goose let them.

Americans will work to solve the problems, Anti-americans gloat about creating the problem while blaming others.

If the anti-Americans are the majority then is this even MY country anymore? Is it time to say 'If you can't beat them, join them', and start spending like a drunken sailor, spend the 401k, stop paying the mortgage, and stop working? Is it time to fight for freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail that I believe America represents? Or, is it time to cut and run and leave to fools to destroy themselves?

Rich Not wealthy writes: Friday, November, 14, 2008 10:56 AM
ReadAbook, after the Obamination's
coronation, you'll have to be anti-American to get a bailout. All pro-Americans will be audited by your friendly IRS and every federal, state and local government official will be checking every facet of your lives!

Apollo, Agreed! What a fine time to speak to the policy that he did so much to ruin.
Dread writes: Friday, November, 14, 2008 12:04 PM
"and every federal, state and local government official will be checking every facet of your lives!"

They can and do that now.

(See Patriot Act, FBI letters and abuse thereof)
William writes: Friday, November, 14, 2008 1:33 PM
Franklin Delano Obama?
In a November 10 New York Times Op-Ed article titled "Franklin Delano Obama?" Nobel Laureate and Princeton professor of economics Paul Krugman states, "My advice to the Obama people is to figure out how much help they think the economy needs, then add 50 percent. It’s much better, in a depressed economy, to err on the side of too much stimulus than on the side of too little." Isn't this exactly the direction in which we should stop traveling! Bizarrely, some readers of the article were even proposing that Krugman should be president-elect Obama's Secretary of Treasury!

You can access the article at h&emc=th. There are some very interesting reader's comments.
William writes: Friday, November, 14, 2008 3:06 PM
Banking System Has Been "Stabilized"
In an interview with Robert Siegel on NPR News’ "All Things Considered," Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson stated: "I believe the banking system has been stabilized. No one is asking themselves anymore, is there some major institution that might fail and that we would not be able to do anything about it. So I think that is a positive." Paulson went on to add: "I got to tell you, I think our major institutions have been stabilized. I believe that very strongly." Has Paulson retreated into some alternate reality?

To read the LA Times article, go to
Say What? writes: Saturday, November, 15, 2008 8:23 PM
Bad news and more
Clearly the government is not for "we the people." Now it's for "them the politicians." People feel they have no say so they say nothing.
DIAMOND Z writes: Sunday, November, 16, 2008 8:42 PM
get your pop corn, peanuts ,free cars!
what kinda base ball park are we in?grant park???
Conservative writer writes: Monday, November, 17, 2008 4:28 PM
Thanks Mrs. Bachmann for standing firm
It appears no one is willing to raise free market solutions.

How about de-regulating the market and let it adjust? The more these crooks take from taxpayers for bailouts, the more we're likely to see our dollar descend in value in favor of some consolodated world currency.

There must be voices of dissent.

Rex writes: Tuesday, November, 18, 2008 10:01 AM
It's clear from the position Ms. Bachmann is taking on this: there is a double-standard in Washington and Ms. Bachmann is showing how two-faced she is. She complains that there are people in Congress who are anti-American. YET IF WE DO NOT APPROVE A BAILOUT FOR THE AUTO INDUSTRY, IT WOULD BE THE MOST ANTI-AMERICAN ACTION WE COULD TAKE!

Forget about what you say or think. IT'S WHAT YOU DO THAT COUNTS!

OK, so we give AIG mega-billions in bailout money. That's typical of the good folks brought to us by Bush/Cheney. These people are about one thing: padding the wallets of their friends. So we shouldn't be surprised. But AIG doesn't do anything other than manage people's money. GM actually manufactures things than employ Americans. So you're going to give away the bank to AIG and leave GM in the lurch? That's a double-standard so reprehensively anti-American you may as well just start making your own country, one for the rich and one for the working class. Is that what we've become? Is that what we want America to become?
William writes: Tuesday, November, 18, 2008 11:19 AM
Hey, Buffett: You Bail Out General Motor

My suggestion is that you read Eric Englund's article "Celebrate Redistribution With a Shotgun Wedding Between Berkshire Hathaway and General Motors" at

Englund begins his article by stating, "Two of America’s highest-profile advocates of wealth redistribution are Barack Obama and Warren Buffett. Presently, President-elect Obama is pushing to redistribute $50 billion to Detroit’s three failing automakers. He is particularly concerned about the possibility that GM may file for bankruptcy in a few months. As for Warren Buffett, you may not be aware that he is a strong proponent of the income tax, the estate tax, and double-taxation on dividends (for more on this matter, read this Forbes article: Warren Buffett’s Tax Fetish). With these two gentlemen being kindred spirits, perhaps Mr. Obama should 'invite' Mr. Buffett to give a little more; as alluded to in Berkshire Hathaway’s 2003 annual report (more below). Berkshire Hathaway, after all, has a lot of money and General Motors needs a good sum of it. So why not have the Obama White House broker a deal – under threat of sending Buffett to jail – to merge General Motors into Berkshire Hathaway? What is good for GM, as the saying goes, is good for the country…and Barack Obama will see to that."
Michael writes: Tuesday, November, 18, 2008 2:55 PM
Bachmann wants to get tough on bailouts while her family collects farm subsidizes
El writes: Wednesday, November, 19, 2008 9:34 PM
Bachmann Denies Saying What She Said
What is up with Minnesota? We are proving to be as obtuse as Texans. Why do we feel the need to elect racist, anti-democracy, reactionary evangelicals? Go Michele Bachmann, just keep saying the tape of you accusing Obama of being anti-American is an urban legend. Palin - Bachmann in 2012.

See it at
El writes: Wednesday, November, 19, 2008 9:35 PM
Bachmann Denies Saying What She Said
What is up with Minnesota? We are proving to be as obtuse as Texans. Why do we feel the need to elect racist, anti-democracy, reactionary evangelicals? Go Michele Bachmann, just keep saying the tape of you accusing Obama of being anti-American is an urban legend. Palin - Bachmann in 2012.

See it at
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