Friday, December 19, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 3:57 PM
It’s no secret that when President Obama gets sworn into office, among his top priorities will be to guide Congress through an $850 billion economic stimulus package. As a result, this astronomical number has created a tsunami of activity from special interest groups looking for their piece of the pie. $850 billion is simply an astonishing figure - not only exceeding the hefty $700 billion price tag of the financial sector, but also dwarfing the annual budget for the Pentagon.

What does Obama intend to do with all of your hard-earned money? According to today's Washington Post, the 850 billion "would include at least $100 billion for cash-strapped state governments and more than $350 billion for investments in infrastructure, alternative energy and other priorities..."

You've got to wonder if the infrastructure investments that Obama is going to include in his package might come from the list of 11,391 projects that the U.S. Conference of Mayors recently submitted to Congress.  The list includes things like a $4.8 million polar bear exhibit at the Providence, RI zoo and a $1.5 million water ride in Miami, FL. 

According to a recent CNN article, other abuses of taxpayer dollars found within the report include:  "a proposed $20 million minor league baseball museum in Durham, North Carolina; $6.1 million for corporate jet hangars at the Fayetteville, Arkansas, airport; $20 million for renovations at the Philadelphia Zoo; and a $1.5 million program to reduce prostitution in Dayton, Ohio."

If nothing else, the next four years look to be a spending bonanza and a pork barrel free-for-all. Hold on to your wallets!

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rdk writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 5:20 PM
Crank up the printing press.
Money spent on actual stuff seems to be a better way to get out of the economic tsunami than wasting it on more paper financial instrument shuffling or bullets and bombs that have very little lasting value. Even the paper financial instruments have lasting value, if backed by tangible housing. Still don't know about the bullets, but if they keep King George III of England or various more modern others from messing with us so much, bullets can be good. Mostly what the country needs to be is a hub bub of activity producing good and endearing results.
Tea Party writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 5:32 PM
the Republicans can start regaining the trust and good graces of the people who are ostensibly their employers by yelling loud and long about the pork and name names even if it hurts to name a GOP porker. NAME THEM ALL and let the American people decide if they want to continue to be wage slaves to help the corrupt politicians
keep their cushy seats.
I'm fed up with all of them, they keep spending, spending, spending and then their idea of a fix is to tax, tax, tax. That's another thing, the GOP can do, start yelling about the egregious, incomprehensible mess that's our tax code and demand reform..the FAIR tax is my first choice because it puts a lot of bureaucrats out of work and gives the American citizens their power back, or a flat tax which can easily be raised by any future Congress so they can spend, spend, spend and tax,tax tax all over again.
WindowCleaner writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 5:54 PM
Double standard
Not much of a peep was heard in rightwing world when the Rubberstamping GOP Congress and Bush were spending money like drunken sailors, now was there? And what DID all that money go to? Helping 3 million American workers stay in their jobs and therefore their homes? Ensuring that our troops had clean drinking water and proper armor and supplies? Decent hospital facilities for our injured vets? A working and viable FEMA for potential disasters?

No, no, no, no. Our Rubberstampers, whom you all had absolutely NO problem endorsing and supporting, rather allowed the Bushies to spend our hard earned tax dollars on such things as bolstering the wealthiest amongst us so that they may grow ever more rich as the rest of us grew poorer. They aided and abetted the clowns who have fleeced us and fleeced the troops and fleeced the Iraqi people. And YOU helped them do it by never - NOT ONCE - asking for accountability.

Selfish babies.
Lerxst writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 8:23 PM
I'm so pleased ...
....we have had a Democrat led Congress for the last two years and that that wonderful person, Nancy Pelosi has slashed the amount of pork barrel spending just like she promised.

She told us she was going to halve it when she came to power from its peak of 13,492 earmarks in 2005 down to 6700. As of October 2007 the total for the year (with 3 months still to go) was at 11,351....on target for an anuual total of 15,134. So Nancy's promised 50% cut turned into a 12% increase from the peak under the GOP.

Go check your facts idiot and get back to us when you have a clue and are prepared to be honest enough to actually accept some responsibility for the actions of your party over the last 2 years.

I don't know a single person on the right who won't decry the congressional spending by the GOP and I also don't know a single liberal that is honest enough to admit that their party has taken the problem to a whole new level.
Mel writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 8:59 PM
Dear WindowCleaner
WindowCleaner: "Not much of a peep was heard in rightwing world when the Rubberstamping GOP Congress and Bush were spending money like drunken sailors, now was there?"

And I have to ask: Where has your brain been? As a Republican I have to take responsibility for helping elect GWB to office, and no, I am not happy with him. I will not defend his profligate spending habits. Makes me sick. But then along comes someone who seems to be blind to the culpability of Democrats!

It should be further noted that to say that "not much of a peep was heard in (sic) rightwing world..." is to add deaf ears to the matter as well. Many of us have been screaming at the big spenders, both Dems and Republicans for years. Please come back to the real world.
foxmustang writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 10:38 PM
Window "Peeper"
WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and WRONG ( yet again)....
WindowCleaner writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 12:35 AM
"Screaming"? Since when, Mel? In your own revisionist history, no doubt. Did you re-elect Bush or not - and if so, HOW can you possibly justify that if you were disappointed in his spending spree? What amazes me is the fact that we are embroiled in an occupation that is costing us several TRILLION dollars - Bush-owned, with the GOP's blessings, I might add. We've known for a long time that the Bushies lied us into that war, but where was the outrage from the 'fiscally' conservative rightwingers about that? Mind you, these are the same numbnuts who have their panties in a bunch over a mere [by contrast] $17B bail out to save 3 million American jobs?

Yeah, I don't buy the selective outrage, Mel.
DAVID writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 6:56 AM
Don't worry folks
It is going to change.
Remember the rally word, change?
It is about to happen, all the liberals screaming bushie did this, bushie did that will be screaming about their "annointed one", O'bama, when he initiates his "welfare to work" program for EVERYONE. You either work or you will not receive your credit voucher........
Many white folks are going to be upset, but the black ghetto folks are going to be pi$$ed....
Ain't socialism great? Must be great, you nutcases asked for it in O'bama! Problem is, once he is in, he will stay in, that's the way socialist government workd, so there is no way out for the common man and woman.
Enjoy your stupidity liberal DEMONcRATS!
TheHistorian writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 8:58 AM
Good ol' mayors
The reason the mayors can't afford their own polar bear exhibit or their own program to reduce prostitution is that they are busy paying for such politically correct stuff as live in partner medical benefits and a whole host of benefits that make the auto workers look like pikers.

It is time that there is enough guts in Congress to quit spending on anything but items for the national benefit. If these mayors had to spend their own money they would then have to raise taxes, and their political career would end. Anybody want to bet what the mayor Providence, Dayton, and Miami have in common? A hint: The party has "Superdelegates".
TheHistorian writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 9:04 AM
Do you really believe that the $17B bailout for 3 million jobs is the total cost? I don't!

Why don't you go see if you can bail out some other industries for me. Here are two:
The vacuum tube industry
The buggy whip industry

You could also add the steel industry: remember how long that bailout lasted?

There is NO justification for trying to bail out ANY industry. The only legitimate use for the bailout funds is that proposed by a Republican in the House of Representatives is to give us all a tax holiday to encourage people to spend, pay down debt, or do whatever they wish with the funds. And that is the LAST thing BO the Munificient will do; he wants to control which bubble gum machine your kid buys from. This guy makes Jimmmy Carter look like a delegator.
Pete writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 11:36 AM
Republicans vs Democrats
I think too much energy is devoted to blaming one party or the another. The debate really should be between individual freedom vs big government socialism.
No one is willing to debate the proper role of government. Government intervention is always a given; the debate is simply over the form it takes. Politicians redistribute income because it works - of every 1000 voters, 160 pay 83% of the taxes, the other 840 pay only 17%. You will never be voted out of office promising to give away money to the 840.
Couple this with the fact that most people are sheep, willing to trade freedom for big daddy government "security", and you have the recipe for disaster.
Sometimes I think the only freedom most people want is the freedom from responsibility. Dependency is slavery, but most people will be too fat, dumb and happy to realize this until it is too late.
The economic crisis is a convenient excuse to push through more redistribution. Find me where the Constitution says that is a function of government.
Steven writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 11:42 AM
The New United States Battle Cry
Oink, Oink

That will be the new battle cry for the United States!
Lerxst writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 11:59 AM
Like you I am strongly against the bailout and don't believe the $17B price tag is anywhere near the true figure. That said, it is interesting to break down the numbers a bit. $17B for 3 million jobs is an average of $5666 per job.

Compare that to the estimated $400 million incentive package given to VW to build a new plant in TN. They estimate creation of about 6000 jobs between VW plant and associated suppliers. That's an average of $66,666 per job.
More than 10 times the cost of the bailout per job.

Admittedly the $400M includes giving VW the site for free (an estimated $81M value). It also includes a state-offered job tax credit of $5,000 per job over 20 years available on corporate taxes for companies investing at least $1 billion.

Note the tax credit per job is almost the same as the bailout cost per job.

In addition the state is stumping up training costs of around $60 to $80M.

Seems there is a fine lne between "bailout" and "incentive".
Jennings writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 5:12 PM
I'm a businessman I am going to borrow one million dollars to invest somewhere to make my business grow.So I'll spend it all to my suppliers of goods that I need to operate my business, believing they will in turn invest that money to my costomers,thereby increasing my market's field.Does this sound like a good idea?
Ask Obama?
C. writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 7:01 PM
Congress Gets Cost of Living Wage Hike!
"If nothing else, the next four years look to be a spending bonanza and a pork barrel free-for-all. Hold on to your wallets!" Rep. Bachman: You and all the other congress people do not make holding on to my wallet any easier by agreeing to the $4700/person, 2.5 million dollar total cost-of-living annual wage hike! Talk about a "spending bonanza" for all of you! Do you even have an iota of an idea how hypocritical and greedy this makes all of you look in the face of your constituents being laid off and struggling to just buy groceries? At least please tell us that you were one of the 34 cosponsors of Rep. Harry Mitchell's bill that would have stopped this 2.8% increase, or that you supported Rep. Dan Burton and Gresham Barrett's attempt to unsuccessfully block your wage hike.

While I appreciate your interest in SERVING our country, this self-imposed wage hike smacks me as more like taking advantage of all of us. I'm angry!

foxmustang writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 8:08 PM
way more than a "fair" share of OBummer's first stimulus package to.........
only after a Rezko pardon of course.....
Lolo1 writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 10:53 PM
"I don't know a single person on the right who won't decry the congressional spending by the GOP and I also don't know a single liberal that is honest enough to admit that their party has taken the problem to a whole new level."

On the money and very well said!
Lolo1 writes: Saturday, December, 20, 2008 10:56 PM
The government has
to bailout all these companies because all of the problems can be traced to the government. they owe them.

As to Obama and his infrastructure garbage please explain where all the tax dollars for these projects went in the first place. Infrastructure is the key reason we pay taxes in the first place.
DAVID writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 8:27 AM
America's Government & the Constitution
oink oink
whine whine
The "government" (those "we" elect & those who are appointed by those "we" elect)is out for themselves, they no longer represent "The People", the DEMONcRATS have shredded the constitution and the Republicans do not have the balls to stand up to that because there is way too much wheeling and dealing between the two parties to keep their jobs any thought of "the people" is only an afterthought. America is becoming everything the founders fought to avoid, a class people, royality, state approved religion, etc. and who is the real blame for this? YOU, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, you have no idea how American Government is supposed to function, you vote for the best mouth in the running, your ignorant! Only you are to blame for what is happening, you the voter!
I read somewhere that the Republicans have become Democrats and Democrats have become socialists........I beleive this.
Salvatore writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 10:47 AM
Michele Bachmann,
Obama sounds like a kid in a candy store,
Its going to be a long four years of spending, your not kidding when you said hold on to your wallets.
Salvatore writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 11:03 AM
Michele Bachmann,
Amanda Carpentor,
Hugh Hewitt,
and everyone on Townhall,
I wish you a Merry Christmas.
Jamin Java Joe writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 1:12 PM
3rd Party Purchases
Its ridicules to think that anything can good can come out of these bail outs or for that matter any of the Government programs they say are for the “People” It's only to the return of the Free Enterprise that will restore our economy

Aside from National Security, the U.S. Government has no business being involved. That’s the States and the People of their States job.

Government spending is just flat out out of control. This is all due to the vilation of basic economics folks; All Government purchases by difinition are “3rd Part Purchases”

If you purchase something with money that is not yours, you’re not going to be concerned with the cost.

If you purchase something you’re not going to consume, you’re not going to be concerned with the quality.

As a general rule we send our representatives to Washington as humble servants earning $100,000 to $200,000 a year or so in incomes and in just a few short years of representing us, their multi-millionaires and no longer see past their own bulging bank accounts.

They now become experts at “3rd Party Purchases and sail through life risk free.

Can not speak for all but, this troubles me.

Therefore, I think they should all be fired and then set unconditional limits on their capacity to represent us for no more than two years in office or when they become millionaires or to which ever one comes first.

Lets shake them out of their cozy little nest of spending what they have not worked for and what they do not have to consume.
montanalady writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 3:49 PM
I don't know about the rest of you
I just read this morning in our paper that our state is going for some of the money. I am going to write my Representative and tell them how I feel. No bail out! If we all did that maybe we could get something done.
Julie writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 5:10 PM
Stop the Spending!
Even those of us paying attention don't really know what it is for. Stop, Stop, Stop! I don't want my children and grandchildren paying for the insanity of our current leaders, and blaming my generation for it.

Stop federal spending on stuff we don't need! Enough is enough.
Wendy writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 8:04 PM
Who is the real enemy?
When GOP politicians complain about pork barrel spending, which only constitutes 1% of the federal budget, you know they are trying to hide their complicity in even greater abuses.

Representative Bachmann, Politico is already reporting that Sen. Judd Gregg, presumably speaking on behalf of Sen. McConnell, is scheming to have Republicans COOPERATE with Obama on bailout/stimulus spending as a tactic to divide the Democrats and Obama.

As a GOP politician, you would be wise to convince your Republican colleagues to stop trying to game what is left of the system and to start acting like a professional, dedicated team of Republicans if they do not wish for 2008 to look like a minor rout. ALL bailouts and stimulus spending should be vocally and uncompromisingly resisted on principled grounds by any politician with an (R) behind their name. Republican politicians, especially the Senators, need to work together as a team to resist them. Unfortunately, the reputation of the Republican Party in general is disproportionately in the Senate Republicans' hands, because they alone have the power to stop the New Deal initiatives coming down the pike. If they make a firm stand, they will be remembered and supported. If they go along to get along, there will not be a Republican comeback.

We live in difficult times. If Republican politicians are not willing to buck up, even though it is hard and time-consuming, then they should have never run for office and they should resign, because they are doing no good.
Virginia Patriot writes: Sunday, December, 21, 2008 8:19 PM
Wendy Is Right
But I don't think the Senate GOP has any intention of listening to their constituents. They will go along with bailouts, amnesty and spending us into bankruptcy.

Redlac writes: Monday, December, 22, 2008 9:44 AM
Waste of Time
Wendy is right, of course. After all, the GOP had 49 votes in the senate for the last two years, and 55 votes for the two years before that. They could have stopped any spending in those previous 4 years, but did precious little about it. In fact, a majority of those 49 GOP Senators voted for Bush and Paulson's bailout, just as they went along for the last 8 years with the spending that led to an annual average budget deficit of $500 B each year, for a total of $4.2 trillion in new deficits.

At this point, it all seems a moot point. Having gone along with running up over $4 trillion in deficits over the last 8 years, followed by supporting a $700 B bailout for Paulsen, and now confronted with the fact that many so-called Conservative Economists who claim to be Republicans are supporting Obama's soon to be $850 billion "stimulus" package, it's going to be very difficult for the GOP to claim "fiscal responsibility" as their mantle - at least for the coming two years and even beyond. Even the economic advisors to Bush Jr, Bush Sr. and Reagan have signed off on this, after all.

The two political parties are running us into a wall, and about all we can do, is wait until they've spent themselves into oblivion. And, that will happen when the world gets tired of loaning us money, and the rising costs of entitlements - which will simply be added onto this spending, finally become more than we can pay for.

All we can do is wait. Voting for either party until the public finally recognizes that we will have to change, is a waste of time.

Buckskin writes: Monday, December, 22, 2008 9:54 AM
Fred Slams Oshama & the Dems
Fred Thompson slams the O and Dems.
Brickhouse writes: Monday, December, 29, 2008 10:08 PM
Hire Two People
Hire one person to dig holes; hire another person to fill them up. Green jobs, all over the country.
Monkeywrench writes: Tuesday, December, 30, 2008 12:25 AM
Good question, Michele
What does Obama intend to do with all of your hard-earned money?

But let's ask it of you: What are you going to do with all of OUR hard-earned money you'll be sucking up in the form of a fat pay raise? $4100 for a "cost of living" raise? Nice work if you can get it. I suppose you need some help paying for that $1.27 million golf course mansion you just bought.
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