Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Posted by: Michele Bachmann at 2:16 PM
The Hill newspaper's Congress Blog posed a question today to Capitol Hill's influential lawmakers, pundits and interest group leaders in their weekly "Big Question" feature:

"What’s the next step for the GOP on the path back to electoral competitiveness?"

Here's what I had to say:

"The results of the 2006 and 2008 elections have forced the GOP to refocus their efforts to restore the conservative brand. Instead of just talking about fiscal responsibility (yet acting contrary to this message), we must once again restore the trust of the America voter through action."

Read the full post here.

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WindowCleaner writes: Tuesday, December, 16, 2008 3:12 PM
Yeah, listen to the craAaZy onE
Have her eyes stopped swirling yet? Jeez. What a frootloop.
Tazzmax writes: Tuesday, December, 16, 2008 4:20 PM
the party needs to get rid of the RINOs and stop trying to out lib the "RATS".

Pandering to illegal aliens and trying to cram amnesty down Americas' throat has cost them millions of conservative votes.

WC,...take your meds.
William writes: Tuesday, December, 16, 2008 8:14 PM
Back to Basics
Rep. Bachmann:

I believe that you are saying that the GOP needs to move back to its roots. To do that, it must be the party of fiscal responsibility, the party that upholds the ideals advanced in the constitution, and the party that promotes individual liberty over government interventionism. This will be a tough task, given that a program of democratic socialism is on the horizon. This is a program that will promote government interventionism both socially and economically. In doing so, it will subordinate the rights of the individual to the will of the State. It will misallocate factors of production, stifle entrepreneurship, and further debase the currency. It may even lead us in the direction of a centralized world bank, that will negotiate all trade agreements, enforce all tariffs between nations, and force the use of a single currency. That is why I support Dr. Paul and all members of his Freedom Pac such as yourself. Somehow, this country needs to move once again in the direction of a free-market economy instead of moving further in the direction of a socialist welfare state. The socialist welfare state has already failed us once. We don't need a repeat performance.
Salvatore writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 8:30 AM
Rep Bachmann,I agree,
The GOP has to restore,
its Conservative brand and get back to basic Conservative Christian roots.
White Salamander writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 8:39 AM
How the GOP comes back...
Five ways....

1) Competency- The biggest problem the GOP brand has suffered is that in the area of competency. Between Iraq and Katrina, the reputation it developed for workmanship governance has been badly damaged. Now, the good news for them is with the Dems in charge of the Federal Government, they own all the problems. The GOP can use the governorships it still holds to come up with innovative solutions to problems and restore the brand name.

2) Outreach to Hispanics. As much as it might horrify certain posters here, America is going to be increasingly hispanic in coming decades. This will probably not be a big thing, because such identification will fade as they assimilate and mainstream. The last thing the GOP needs is a reputation that "they were the party that screwed with grandpa Pedro".

Hispanics are a natural constituency for the GOP. Conservative values and hard working. Yet the GOP has done a wonderful job in alienating them in the last few years. This has to stop.

3) Lose the slavish devotion to coroporate greed. The GOP is seen as the accomplice to the Corporate America's war on the Middle Class. That is probably what put Obama over the top more than anything else this time. Captialism is good, but it has to be responsible capitalism. A Ken Lay does more damage than good.
White Salamander writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 8:41 AM
How the GOP comes back...
Here's the rest...

4) Keep the religion in church. The biggest problem with the GOP's stance on many social issues is that it has come off as trying to impose a religious perspective. Take abortion. There are very good secular reasons to be against abortion on demand. Yet it comes off like some bible thumping fanatic trying to impose its will on the rest of us.

5) Walk the walk. - The last biggest problem the GOP has had in recent years is the stench of hypocrisy. This isn't a problem for Democrats, since they have no standards, no one can hold them to one. The GOP has it a lot tougher, and characters like Stevens, Foley, Craig, Gingrich and others make them look like Hypocrites, and no one like defending a hypocrite.

Bonus point- Quit conceding winnable areas. I live in IL, where we have the third congressional district, mostly white, Middle class and pretty centrist to conservative. Yet the GOP hasn't put up a credible challenger there since 1994, and even then, he was sandbagged by the state party. The last election, the GOP primary in IL-03 was to vote for the Birthday Clown so the Neo-Nazi didn't get the nomination. (I'm not making this up!)
my2centsplus writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 10:02 AM
I do agree with you on keeping relgion out of politics. But will YOU keep your word on it? I have watched you dog the LDS church over and over and over for your own glee.

Religion has nothing to do with Politics. Romney was the MOST QUALIFIED and the MOST FEARED by the DNC. Howard Dean said just after Romney suspended his second place win in the primary's that "Romney is the one we feard the most." He also said he was now breathing a sigh of relief, as McCain was an easy win. He was right. We lost BIG. Now, get the party straight, deep six the bigots and move on.
White Salamander writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 1:14 PM
No cents can't read...
Wow, you totally missed my point.

My point is not that we shouldn't scrutinize what whackadoo cult a candidate belongs to, it's that we need to stop presenting Policy issues in religious terms...

As far as I'm concerned, Romney's religion disqualified him. If he were a Moonie or a Scientologist, I'd have the same opinion.

And every poll showed that while McCain ran only slightly behind Obama or Hillary, Romney trailed them by double digits. If Howard Dean ever said that (which I doubt) it was a case of B'rer Rabbit asking not be thrown in the briar patch.

Besides the religion, Romney was a guy who made his fortune shutting down factories. That is hardly the kind of guy you want to run in a year where people are rightfully afraid of losing their jobs.

I voted for McCain. If Romney were the candidate, I'd have voted for Obama.
bucshot writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 3:23 PM
Ain't drinking the Kool-Aid
I'm more than mildly amused at the posts of White Salamander. Of particular amusement is his assertion regarding the competency of the "GOP brand" as relates to Iraq and Katrina. In my opinion, WS needs to quit watching the Lame Stream Media and thinking what they tell him to think. The tragedy of Katrina lies in the door of that idiot mayor of New Orleans and can be kicked into the living room of the equally inept Governor. It was only after those two DEMOCRATES totally abdicated their positions and otherwise botched their jobs did it fall to the federal govt. to clean up the disaster made even worse by DEMOCRAT incompetency.

The democrats, with the willing help of the LSM, did what they usually do when they make a mess...blame it on somebody else. For further examples, look what their doing now regarding the bank bailouts and the UAW bailouts. And people like WS continue to drink the Kool-Aid pouring out of their TVs. Never confuse "the news" with the truth.

Finally...you don't defeat the liberals by becoming liberal! Ask McCane.
The Big Mick writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 3:52 PM
Naw, why stay in an abusive relationship
I say DIVORCE the abusive Rocky Feeler, Robber Baron, Establishment Party Machine Bosses (EMPBs) of the Gilt Bird Cabin Conservative Free GOP and let them rot on the ash heap of history.

To Hell with the Political Ruling Class inside the Beltloop, don't give a damn which party they SAY they represent.

Way past time to form a New American Conservative Party (NACP).

Get Limbaugh to host it at his house, invite Coulter, Hannity, Ingram, Mark Levin (sp?), Dick Morris, let them each choose a couple more. NOBODY who claims to be a "moderate" or a "centerist" or "independent"--I'd exclude Oh?Really? for that reason, and maybe Beck. Get the thing up and running by June.

The Big Mick
Buckaroo writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 4:03 PM
hey mick ...
... we already have plenty of loser 3rd parties, we don't need another one ...

i'd rather take michelle's path and refine the party away from the handful of things it does badly and conecentrate on the large number of things it does well ...
White Salamander writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 6:57 PM
" I'm more than mildly amused at the posts of White Salamander. Of particular amusement is his assertion regarding the competency of the "GOP brand" as relates to Iraq and Katrina. In my opinion, WS needs to quit watching the Lame Stream Media and thinking what they tell him to think. The tragedy of Katrina lies in the door of that idiot mayor of New Orleans and can be kicked into the living room of the equally inept Governor. It was only after those two DEMOCRATES totally abdicated their positions and otherwise botched their jobs did it fall to the federal govt. to clean up the disaster made even worse by DEMOCRAT incompetency.

Finally...you don't defeat the liberals by becoming liberal! Ask McCane."

Me- I don't know how seriously I can take a guy who thinks McCain is spelled "McCane". Or Democrat is spelled "Democrates". Is that home schooling working out for you?

Yeah, Nagin and Blaco screwed up. That doesn't excuse the fact that Bush sat on his @ss at his ranch while the levies were collapsing and hundreds of people drowned. It doesn't excuse the fact his FEMA director's primary qualification was that he ran horse shows.

Or we have the Madoff mess, where a 50 BILLION dollar Ponzi scheme happened right under the nose of Christopher Cox (remember when people used to talk about him as a possible running mate?)

NOt to mention Iraq, where we killed hundreds of thousands of people for WMD's that didn't exist. "Whoops" doesn't seem to cover it.

The GOP had a reputation as a party that could get things done. Now they have a reputation as a party that can f**k things up. They need to fix that.

Honestly, I'm surprised that McCain got as many votes as he did (including mine).
Debating writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 8:27 PM
Restoring the GOP
I live in Illinois, the only GOP candidates I've supported since Ryan are reputable candidates whose voting records I've confirmed. Illinois now has zero state wide office holders for a good reason. Our GOP leadership in Illinois has zero credibility. Thus zero votes from this household.
Same for our national leadership.Even two Fox RINO's commentators tonight said that Obama's presumed policies wouldn't differ from that much from Bush - or likely McCain's if he had won.
If the national GOP doesn't campaign on their basic beliefs, I am not going to vote lib-lite just because they have an R behind their name.
If Illinois is fortunate enough to have an election to choose Obama's successor, and the state bosses try to foist another lib-lite candidate on us - zero votes again.
Debating writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 8:36 PM
In my last sentence I should have added - "the state bosses try to foist another lib-lite or good old boy candidate on us."
RickV404 writes: Wednesday, December, 17, 2008 10:14 PM
I say...
abandon the Republican party. The Republicans learned no lessons after Hoover. The learned no lessons after Nixon. Reagan changed nothing. He merely lowered tax rates, temporarily. They'll learn nothing after Bush. That is because the majority of them are, in fact, liberals who go by the euphemism moderate. We have a liberal culture, so no wonder.
Shelby writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 1:56 AM
Right 2cents!
my2centsplus wrote:

"Romney was the MOST QUALIFIED and the MOST FEARED by the DNC. Howard Dean said just after Romney suspended his second place win in the primary's that "Romney is the one we feard the most." He also said he was now breathing a sigh of relief, as McCain was an easy win. He was right. We lost BIG."

"Common sense almost dictates that "the candidate Republicans should be clamoring for is the one liberals are most feverishly denouncing. That is Mitt Romney by a landslide." - Ann Coulter

"I'd Pick Romney as McCain's Running Mate." - Karl Rove

Above quotes from Marie Jon's excellent article:

McCain and Romney, now that's the ticket


White Salamander writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 6:45 AM
delusional Romney Supporters
You keep pulling that Dean Quote, but let's put out the WHOLE quote, shall we?

"Dean said in the early stages of the presidential race he thought Romney was the candidate to beat, in part because of his personal wealth, and also because he viewed Romney as the most articulate candidate who would “say anything” to win the nomination."

So essentially, his fear was the Romney would say anything to get elected, with no ethics or obligation to be honest with the american people....

MaineConservative writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 9:26 AM
2008 election - water under the bridge
My hope is that the one thing the GOP learned is that they will never be successful by trying to out left the left. Liberalism does not work, whether championed by the Democrats or by the Republicans. The current GOP has proven they are no more fiscally responsible than are the Democrats.

That must change in order for the GOP ro regain the trust of the American people. I am a conservative, but I am not a Republican. The Republican party needs to return to the conservative values they talk about, but far too infrequently actually fight for.
my2centsplus writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 10:15 AM
It's not just out lefting the left. It is making sure the FAR RIGHT BIGOTRY stops. This tent used to be big enough for a lot of differing views. This election proved otherwise. We lost the Hispanic vote. We lost the Black votes. We lost a lot of conservatives that are not far right conservatives. One in Five CONSERVATIVES did not vote for this ticket. One in FIVE. That's huge. We shot ourselves in the foot, and only ourselves to blame.

My advise for next election: If a person has already been on the ticket as the GOP nominee and veep nominee, your over. Done. Move on and pick someone else.
DesertDawg writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 10:42 AM
You Are On The Right Path Michele
Spoken like a true conservative. Keep up the great work!
Gunlock Bill writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 12:15 PM
The Big Mick
I agree with you, except for Morris.

Morris isn't a real conservative in my book.

I am afraid that the Republican brand has been permanently damaged. It may very well be time to start something new, from the conservative grass roots up.
White Salamander writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 1:23 PM
2Cents-"It's not just out lefting the left. It is making sure the FAR RIGHT BIGOTRY stops."

If by that you mean, people against your nutty cult, you miss the point. It wasn't a left or right thing there. It was that a lot of people, from Atheists to Evangelicals, are suspicious of a religion that says it wants to establish "God's Kingdom on Earth".

2C- "This tent used to be big enough for a lot of differing views. This election proved otherwise. We lost the Hispanic vote."

Me- Yes. Yes we did. Why? Well, when you get people like Tancrazy out there comparing undocumented workers to terrorists, some people are going to take it personally if those folks are their friends, neighbors and relatives.

2C- "We lost the Black votes. We lost a lot of conservatives that are not far right conservatives. One in Five CONSERVATIVES did not vote for this ticket. One in FIVE."

That's a dubious number not born out by the exit polls. McCain only got 3.7 million votes less than Bush did in 2004. Those were almost exclusively indpendents. Yeah, a few far right crazies like MC, yourself and VA Pat didn't vote for McCain, but for the most part, it's independent disgusted by GOP incompetence that bolted.

2C "That's huge. We shot ourselves in the foot, and only ourselves to blame."

Actually, McCain did fantastically well considering how badly Bush has mucked up Iraq, Katrina, the economy, and just about everything else. He did better than most Republican candidates further down on the ticket. He made NC competative, while Liddy Dole got her doors blown off.

2C -"My advise for next election: If a person has already been on the ticket as the GOP nominee and veep nominee, your over. Done. Move on and pick someone else."

Me- Look, QM, finding ways to rip Sarah aren't going to do it for you. Hows this. No one who ran in the primaries in 2008 should be allowed to run again.

White Salamander writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 1:29 PM
Grandpa Creepy...
MC-"My hope is that the one thing the GOP learned is that they will never be successful by trying to out left the left. Liberalism does not work, whether championed by the Democrats or by the Republicans. The current GOP has proven they are no more fiscally responsible than are the Democrats.

That must change in order for the GOP ro regain the trust of the American people. I am a conservative, but I am not a Republican. The Republican party needs to return to the conservative values they talk about, but far too infrequently actually fight for."

Again, the ONLY reason the GOP lost was because Bush screwed up - EVERYTHING. This is Carter in 1980 or Hoover in 1932. The only difference is that McCain had to take the fall for Bush's inepitude. If anything, we should be THANKING McCain for holding on to as much as he was able to. It's better than the GOP deserves.

Actually, the real problem is that Bush made government more attractive to average folks. He didn't cut spending, but he cut taxes. That meant we got more government for less, which makes it a bargain. (Except, of course, it isn't. Our kids and grandkids will be paying off the debt.)

I have reservations about Obama, but I hope he can pull us out of this, even if it means the GOP will spend another forty years in the wilderness...
MaineConservative writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 1:49 PM
While the current GOP needs some major re-tooling, I think it is better to try to use what's there than try to start a new party. The argument could be made that the GOP is the current verson of the Whigs, but these are different times.

I think once the dust settles here, and the citizens of this country begin to realize how much this fiscal irresponsibility, both Republican and Democrat, is going to cost them and their children and grandchildren, they will start demanding representatives who will be more responsible stewards of their positions.

We have turbulent times ahead. Jobs will be lost, businesses will fail. We must let them. That's not easy but as long as we try and save every job and every business we will never heal.
eddie too writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 1:55 PM

while GWB may be criticized for many of his decisions. The fact remains he did put the terrorists on the run and Americans have been kept safe, especially here in our homeland. For that, we owe him a debt of gratitude. Hopefully, Obama will be just as successful in this vital area of governance.
Gunlock Bill writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 2:22 PM
It may yet be possible to save the GOP but I am not seeing much coming from it to give me hope.

Either way you are correct about the jobs and businesses.

We can only hope that people wake up before it is too late.
my2centsplus writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 2:32 PM
I would rather be a member of my 'nutty cult' than a memeber of yours. At least I have hope for a great 'afterlife' with my awesome eternal companion and children. You have squato.
White Salamander writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 8:41 PM

while GWB may be criticized for many of his decisions. The fact remains he did put the terrorists on the run and Americans have been kept safe, especially here in our homeland. For that, we owe him a debt of gratitude. Hopefully, Obama will be just as successful in this vital area of governance.

Me- I think his heart was in the right place, but in the long run, he did more damage than good. He fought the war indecisively, and that's the problem. If you are going to call it a war, you call up a draft, you raise taxes and you put as many resources as you possibly can into winning it decisively. Instead, we've had this thing peter on for over seven years now (Only Vietnam lasted longer as a conflict), and most Americans are just looking for a graceful exit.

The problem isn't going away, because the real problem is that Islam and the Christian/Secular West are on a collision course that only one will survive in the long run.
White Salamander writes: Thursday, December, 18, 2008 8:43 PM
I would rather be a member of my 'nutty cult' than a memeber of yours. At least I have hope for a great 'afterlife' with my awesome eternal companion and children. You have squato."

Hope? Funny, I thought you said that "hope" was a bad thing when Obama was preaching it.

I "hope" Santa brings me lots of goodies for Christmas. Except I know he doesn't exist. So he won't. "Hoping" in something that you can't prove is just false hope. I guess if it gets you through the night, it works.

Frankly, denying yourself pleasure and joy in the here and know because you "hope' you get some goodies in the afterlife is just kind of foolish.
Don Juan writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 7:20 PM
Educated in a small town,
Learned to sell meth in that same small town....

(with apologies to J.C. Mellencamp)

Levi Johnston's mother hit with drug charges

Arrested: her son was in the spotlight as father of Bristol Palin's baby.


Don't you just LOVE small-town family values?
sloandog writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 7:49 PM
DJ a little drugs doesn't hurt anyone.
Just ask your boy Obama.What is it that libs and rinos fear so much about Sarah Palin?
cavalier973 writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 9:30 PM
The book for the GOP to read now:
in addition to "The FairTax Book", would be "Common Sense Economics" by Gwatney, Stroup, and Lee. Here's the website: http://commonsenseeconomics.com/index.php

They suggest (among other things) having a rule requiring that all Congressional Spending Bills have a 3/4 vote in both houses to pass.
james beam writes: Friday, December, 19, 2008 11:47 PM
what kind of drugs
did she get busted with ? here in new mexico and throughout most of the rural west pot is the drug of choice for most the old folks. big deal
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