
December 30, 2008

Presidential Inaugural Information

On January 20, 2009, our nation’s capital will celebrate the excitement and pageantry of the 56th Presidential Inauguration. Every four years, my office receives many requests from North Carolinians who want to witness the swearing in of our president, and this year was no exception. My office has received thousands of requests to attend this year’s inauguration, but unfortunately, the number of requests we have received far exceeds the number of tickets my office will be assigned.

While we will not be able to accommodate every ticket request, I encourage North Carolinians wishing to attend to come to Washington to witness the ceremony from the general admission viewing area.  While the area for ticketed viewers is small, the National Park Service has announced that the whole National Mall will be open for attendees without tickets.  My Washington, DC office will be open as well, and we invite you to stop by my office to say hello and warm up from the chilly January weather.  We’re always glad to see you. 

For information on these events, and to help plan your trip, please visit  Additional information can be found on the Presidential Inaugural Committee's website,

December 2008 Articles

  • 12/30/08 Presidential Inaugural Information