John Thune, U.S. Senator South Dakota John Thune, U.S. Senator South Dakota
John Thune, U.S. Senator South Dakota
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Thune: USDA Announces ACRE Program Rules, DCP Signup, and Ne...
Dec. 22 Today Senator John Thune announced that the United States Department of A...
Thune: Wind-Hydro Study Shows South Dakota’s Energy Potentia...
Dec. 15 Senator John Thune today commented on the Wind-Hydro Integration study re...
Thune Introduces Cattle Tax Ban
Dec. 15 Senator John Thune on Thursday introduced legislation designed to block a...
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Energy Integration Would Benefit South Dakota
Dec. 19 During the past year we have seen the effect that high energy costs can have on our economy and our daily lives. While gas pr... Read More
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Senate Stands in Recess
The Senate stands in recess with pro-forma sessions until January 2, 2009.
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