Reader Review of the Week: 2008 Cadillac CTS

Reader Review "First-Time Cadillac Owner," from St. Louis, admits to being entranced by the advertising and promotion for the 2008 Cadillac CTS and maintains that it is a great-looking car. However, a few small repairs and a low ride height started to wear on the ownership experience. Read the review to find out specifically what went wrong with this Cadillac owner's car-buying experience. Then head here to post your own car review.


“I have to admit it: I was dazzled by the marketing campaign and the fact that it was the Motor Trend ‘Car of the Year,’ among other reviews.

“It's a beautiful car inside and out and great to drive until coming to a stop. The brakes have squeaked when stopping since very early on. One service person told me that was ‘normal.’ Another changed the rear brake pads, but that hasn't stopped it either.

“I've had electrical problems with the driver's seat, parking assist and other miscellaneous things. I returned to dealer and then found that the wiring under the driver's seat had been worn from the seat moving back and forth when entering and exiting the vehicle. They repaired the wiring and put tubing around it to prevent from reoccurring. Just one thing after another. A beautiful-looking car, but the front end is so close to the ground that it requires backing into parking spaces to keep the vinyl piece from hitting the concrete stops.

“The front seat is very comfortable, but the rear seat is pretty tight for passengers. I splurged on the $8K option package, and it has great features, but in retrospect, that's way too much money.”


great review -- just what I'd feared. the quality (or the lack thereof), even on such a new car, already shows through. too bad, i really really wanted to buy one. G37 looks better and better. and Cadillac is kidding itself when it thinks people think of the CTS as a 5-series fighter.

oops, meant to say, "GM is kidding itself when it thinks that people will think of the CTS as a 5-series fighter/alternative."

09 TL is even better

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