Bush never recovered from response to Katrina, former aides say
Surveys bolster the officials' views, finding that the president's ratings went into a free-fall after the New Orleans disaster, with most Americans summing him up as 'incompetent.'

His administration 'wants the American people involved' in talks -- but Republican lawmakers say they're still waiting to be consulted themselves. >>

The U.S. and Mexico agree that cartels have morphed into crime syndicates that pose an urgent security threat to the region. But working together has not been easy. >>

Washington is worried that a prolonged campaign in the Gaza Strip could bolster the Palestinian Hamas movement. It wants Israel to set a timetable. >>

December 30, 2008
Domestic surveillance, rounding up Muslim men after Sept. 11, harsh interrogations -- the administration has beat back nearly all legal challenges to its controversial programs. >>

The incoming presidential chief of staff gives formal notice to the Illinois governor. His surprisingly personal letter doesn't mention Blagojevich's scandal. >>

Like Chicago, Hawaii counts the president-elect as a native. And it's got the tourist spots to prove it. >>

Road to the Inauguration
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