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New for '09: GPS tour guides
Dec 30, 2008 | 4:39am ET
Entrepreneur Lee Little's invention replaces the chatty park ranger with a GPS-enabled virtual device.  more
A $12 million boost from savvy marketing
Dec 29, 2008 | 10:31am ET 
Branding, local advertising and a menu expansion helped this Cincinnati buffalo-wings chain take flight.  more
How I did it: Juggling my time
Dec 26, 2008 | 7:45am ET 
To save my business -- and my sanity -- I needed a system to budget my time. more
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Find Business Answers
Make fear your friend
Small business owners have every reason to feel anxious. Here's how smart entrepreneurs find their emotional edge in tough times.
8 places to get cash
Turned down by the bank? Try these alternate funding sources. more
Cash for life
A new breed of annuity can help smooth out the uncertainties of retirement. more
How to land a bank loan
It's tougher to get business loans in this lender's market, but these tips can improve your chances.  more
Questions & Answers

I am part of a small family-owned drywall contracting company, with previous experience in estimating potential projects. My father is the other half of the company, as he has experience in field work. I'm looking to create structure in our company and lack the experience to do so. What are the steps that I need to take to create clear-cut roles that I should follow? more

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