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EnergyPriceChangeHighLowSettleLast Update †
Light Crude (NYM)
February 09 ($US per bbl.)
44.60+5.5745.2039.0044.6012/31 2:29pm
Heating Oil (NYM)
February 09 ($US per gal.)
1.44+0.141.401.311.4412/31 1:54pm
Natural Gas (NYM)
March 09 ($US per mmbtu.)
5.66-0.235.665.665.6612/30 11:27am
Unleaded Gas (NYM)
February 09 ($US per gal.)
1.06+0.130.950.951.0612/31 11:53am
MetalsPriceChangeHighLowSettleLast Update †
Gold (CMX)
February 09 ($US per Troy oz.)
884.30+14.30885.00858.00884.3012/31 1:29pm
Silver (CMX)
March 09 ($US per Troy oz.)
11.30+0.3211.3110.7811.3012/31 1:24pm
Platinum (NYM)
April 09 ($US per Troy oz.)
941.50+24.10943.00938.00941.5012/31 1:03pm
Copper (CMX)
March 09 ($US per lb.)
1.41+0.091.411.331.4112/31 1:15pm
Livestock & MeatPriceChangeHighLowSettleLast Update †
Lean Hogs (CME)
February 09 (cents per lb.)
60.88+1.1560.9558.9560.8812/31 2:04pm
Pork Bellies (CME)
February 09 (cents per lb.)
87.38+2.1588.2383.8587.3812/31 1:59pm
Live Cattle (CME)
February 09 (cents per lb.)
86.05+0.1586.1084.9586.2012/31 2:09pm
Feeder Cattle (CME)
March 09 (cents per lb.)
93.68-0.1593.7592.9593.6812/31 2:07pm
Other CommoditiesPriceChangeHighLowSettleLast Update †
Corn (CBT)
March 09 (cents per bu.)
407.00+10.75408.00390.00407.0012/31 2:33pm
Soybeans (CBT)
March 09 (cents per bu.)
978.00+27.00983.50943.00980.0012/31 2:37pm

Commodities News

2:06pm: Price volatility 'unprecedented' in 2008. A gallon surged to record $4.11 in July - now down to $1.62. More
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