Defiant Illinois governor names Obama replacement
Blagojevich appoints Roland Burris, an African American former attorney general of Illinois, to the open seat. Senate Democrats have said they won't accept any appointee of the embattled governor.
U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald says more time is needed because of the complexity of the corruption case against the Illinois governor, who was arrested on a criminal complaint. >>

The U.S. and Mexico agree that cartels have morphed into crime syndicates that pose an urgent security threat to the region. But working together has not been easy. >>

His administration 'wants the American people involved' in talks -- but Republican lawmakers say they're still waiting to be consulted themselves. >>

The seven shuttle astronauts who died were in an 'unsurvivable' situation. But the space agency cites several equipment flaws in the 2003 disaster. >>

Surveys bolster the officials' views, finding that the president's ratings went into a free-fall after the New Orleans disaster, with most Americans summing him up as 'incompetent.' >>

The employee questioned co-workers about religion before killing the general manager who intervened, a witness says. >>


BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Less than three weeks after her daughter turned 11, JoLeta Jenks picked out the clothes the girl would be cremated in. >>

December 30, 2008
A teen convicted in the "Jena Six" beating case shot himself in the chest and was taken to the hospital Monday, days after his arrest on a shoplifting charge, police said. >>

NEW YORK (AP) — An 85-year-old former Army mechanical engineer pleaded guilty to conspiracy Tuesday and admitted he passed classified documents to the Israelis in the 1970s and '80s. >>

Domestic surveillance, rounding up Muslim men after Sept. 11, harsh interrogations -- the administration has beat back nearly all legal challenges to its controversial programs. >>

Like Chicago, Hawaii counts the president-elect as a native. And it's got the tourist spots to prove it. >>

Teens feel pride for attending Harvey Milk High after watching the film about the slain politician. But they and school officials say discrimination is still a problem 30 years after his death. >>

Fifteen people have died over two weeks in the U.S. and Canada. Casualties at ski resorts underscore the danger. >>

The incoming presidential chief of staff gives formal notice to the Illinois governor. His surprisingly personal letter doesn't mention Blagojevich's scandal. >>


Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston was born Saturday to the daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. >>

The national park has quakes for a third straight day. Scientists don't know what to think about the unusual occurrence. >>

Road to the Inauguration
Tales of America
Shows are canceling or closing, as investors declare this no time to take chances. The theater community can only hope for a spring awakening. By Geraldine Baum. Dec. 28.

It's that time of year again for the 'mileage run.' The goal is 3,807 miles, and the destination doesn't matter. For this flier, it's about the upgrades, the bonuses and the rush. By Michael Whitley Dec. 27.

Aliyah Bacchus returns home to offer a choice: Accept her sexuality -- as she has -- or lose her forever. By Erika Hayasaki. Dec. 17

Roger Smith, National Editor

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