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This is the place to connect with other visitors to exchange ideas/information/experiences on consumer products, services, and issues. CR experts join subscribers in ongoing and occasional Expert Forums.

Forums are moderated reader-to-reader unless otherwise specified. If you're a newcomer, please check the Guidelines before you start. Subscribers can also check Consumer Opinions, where car owners and shoppers write and read car reviews.
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Choosing a new car
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John’s Tool Box/car care

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Heating, cooling, air, power
Laundry, cleaning, clothes care

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Bed and bath
Exercise, sports equipment
For the home
The green home
Lawn, garden
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Your retirement ideas

Pest patrol: Pesky critters & their cures
Mice in your closets? Moles in the lawn? Deer denuding your garden? Such creatures have no pity, but this forum is for you to share the pain and any remedies you've found to contain them.

gas furnace
Heated discussions! (gas furnaces)
Prices for all types of home heating—including wood and wood-pellet stoves are now set to rise, our Which gas furnace should I buy? topic has drawn hundreds of incisive comments on promising technologies and particular models that help cut energy costs.

older couple together

Retire right—your ideas
Know the secrets to a successful retirement? According to our readers, it's to save as much as possible, and to start as early as you can. Are you planning for retirement or already retired? Does our survey match up with your experience? Share your thoughts and advice on making this life stage as satisfying and fulfilling as possible.

Couple considering a car purchase
Best car for you
(subscribers +CR experts)

John’s Tool Box/car care
(subscribers +CR experts)

(subscribers +CR experts)