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December 29, 2008

Average gas prices—December 29, 2008

Gasoline and diesel prices decreased in most areas from the week before, with some areas staying the same. The national gasoline average is now more than a $1.44 below the price this time last year. Diesel fuel is now over a dollar below this time last year.

National retail fuel price averages

Price Change from last week
Regular gasoline/gallon $1.61 .04
Diesel fuel/gallon $2.33 .04

Regional regular gasoline prices

Price Change from last week
East Coast $1.63 .04
  -New England $1.65 .04
  -Central Atlantic $1.67 .04
  -Lower Atlantic $1.59 .04
Midwest $1.57 .06
Gulf Coast $1.50 .05
Rocky Mountain $1.51 .02
West Coast $1.79 0
  -California $1.81 0

Energy Information Administration, 12/29/08. Figures rounded to the nearest cent.

For more information on saving fuel see our reports on how to get the best gas mileage and where to find the cheapest gas.

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