Definition of EMS for this Document
Federal Agencies Can Help Advance EMS Research
Executive Summary
History of EMS Research
The Present State of EMS Research

Overcoming the Barriers to EMS Research
Appendix A: The National EMS Research Agenda Writing Team
Appendix B: Organizations Invited to Participate in the National Review Team
Appendix C: Ethical Standards and IRB Requirements
Appendix D Inclusion Of Women And Minorities In Research Study Populations Involving Human Subjects
Inclusion Of Children As Participants In Research Involving Human Subjects
Appendix E: Bibliographic List of Internet Links
Appendix F: Published EMS Randomized Clinical Trials

Peer Review Journals

Several peer-review medical journals devoted to EMS are now in publication including Prehospital Emergency Care and Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. In addition, general emergency medicine journals, including Annals of Emergency Medicine, now contain sections devoted to EMS research. There are also subspecialty journals within emergency medicine, such as Pediatric Emergency Care and the Air Medical Journal, that publish material related to EMS and effectively reach an audience involved in at least some aspect of prehospital care of patients. The emergence of these journals holds an important position in the history of EMS. Their existence shows that EMS research is valuable to the readers of those publications.