Definition of EMS for this Document
Federal Agencies Can Help Advance EMS Research
Executive Summary
History of EMS Research
The Present State of EMS Research
Overcoming the Barriers to EMS Research

Appendix A: The National EMS Research Agenda Writing Team
Appendix B: Organizations Invited to Participate in the National Review Team
Appendix C: Ethical Standards and IRB Requirements
Appendix D Inclusion Of Women And Minorities In Research Study Populations Involving Human Subjects
Inclusion Of Children As Participants In Research Involving Human Subjects
Appendix E: Bibliographic List of Internet Links
Appendix F: Published EMS Randomized Clinical Trials

Overcoming the Barriers to EMS Research

There are two primary barriers that have inhibited the development of a strong research program in EMS. They are a paucity of well-trained researchers with an interest in EMS research and a lack of reliable funding sources to support research. There are also three identifiable secondary barriers to EMS research. They are: a lack of recognizing the need for evidence-based practice; standardizing, accessing and sharing data; and complying with the current established ethical requirements for human research.

To some extent, there is a chicken and egg phenomenon at work within the two primary barriers to developing a comprehensive EMS research program. For example, funding agencies understandably prefer to place their funds with researchers who have a track record of proven productivity. However, since there are not many proven researchers with interests in EMS problems, few funds flow into EMS-related research. On the other hand, academic institutions are reluctant to support the professional development of new, EMS-focused researchers because they cannot identify likely funding sources with a history of supporting EMS research.