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Research and Evaluation Program
The Research and Evaluation program conducts research and evaluation projects dealing with behaviors and attitudes in highway safety. Program focus is on drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists and their role in the traffic safety. Laboratory and field studies are conducted to identify and measure behaviors involved in crashes or associated with injuries. Scientific research is conducted to develop and refine countermeasures to deter unsafe behaviors and promote safe alternatives.
feature arrow icon Traffic Safety Performance Measures for States and Federal Agencies
feature arrow icon Citizen Reporting of DUI - Extra Eyes to Identify Impaired Driving
feature arrow icon 2005 Traffic Safety Facts: Misuse Of Child Restraints
feature arrow icon Evaluation of Pueblo County, Colorado’s Smart Roads Project
feature arrow icon Rehabilitation Costs and Long-Term Consequences of Motor Vehicle Injury
feature arrow icon The Art of Appropriate Evaluation
feature arrow icon Strategies for Medical Advisory Boards and Licensing Review
feature arrow icon Assessment of the NHTSA Standardized Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Training Course
Impaired Driving
feature arrow icon Impaired driving (alcohol-related) reports
feature arrow icon Impaired driving (drug-related) reports
feature arrow icon Understanding and Messaging to At Risk Drivers – At Risk Driver Segmentation
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Studies
feature arrow icon Feasibility for an EMS Workforce Safety and Health Surveillance System
feature arrow icon Configurations of EMS: A Pilot Study
Occupant Protection
feature arrow icon Connecticut's Day and Night Safety Belt Use
feature arrow icon Safety Belt Use Estimate for Native American Tribal Reservations
feature arrow icon Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use at Selected Sites in New Mexico
feature arrow icon Unconscious Motivators and Situational Safety Belt Use
feature arrow icon The Effects of Changing to Primary Enforcement on Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use
feature arrow icon Occupant Protection Issues Among Older Drivers and Passengers
feature arrow icon 2006 Seat Belt Use Estimate for Native American Tribal Reservations
feature arrow icon Increasing Seat Belt Use Among 8- to 15-Year-Olds
feature arrow icon Motor Vehicle Occupant Protection Facts (revised August 2008)
feature arrow icon Identifying Information That Promotes Belt-Positioning Booster Use (Vols 1, 2)
Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization Evaluation Reports
feature arrow icon May 2006 Final Report
feature arrow icon May 2005 Final Report
feature arrow icon May 2004 Final Report
feature arrow icon A Study Of Nighttime Safety Belt Use In Indiana
feature arrow icon Effectiveness of the May 2005 Rural Demonstration Program and the Click It or Ticket Mobilization in the Great Lakes Region: First Year Results
Driver Safety Research
feature arrow icon New drivers
feature arrow icon Older drivers
Speeding / Aggressive Driving
feature arrow icon Aggressive Driving Enforcement
feature arrow icon Pilot Test of Heed The Speed, A Program to Reduce Speeds in Residential Neighborhoods
feature arrow icon Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks in Washington State
feature arrow icon National Survey of Speeding and Unsafe Driving Attitudes and Behavior: 2002
feature arrow icon Field Test of the Impact of Setting and Enforcing Rational Speed Limits in Gulfport, Mississippi
Enforcement reports
feature arrow icon Programs Across the United States That Aid Motorists in the Reporting of Impaired Drivers to Law Enforcement
feature arrow icon Evaluation and Compliance of Passenger Restrictions in a Graduated Driver Licensing Program
feature arrow icon Automated Enforcement: A Compendium of Worldwide Evaluations of Results
feature arrow icon Demonstration of Automated Speed Enforcement in School Zones in Portland, Oregon
feature arrow icon The 2006 National Labor Day Impaired Driving Enforcement Crackdown: Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.
Motorcycle Safety Studies
feature arrow icon Effects of Alcohol on Motorcycle Riding Skills
feature arrow icon Evaluation of Motorcycle Helmet Law Repeal in Arkansas and Texas
feature arrow icon Evaluation of the Reinstatement of the Universal Motorcycle Helmet Law in Louisiana
feature arrow icon Evaluation of the Repeal of Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Kentucky and Louisiana
feature arrow icon Methodology for Determining Motorcycle Operator Crash Risk and Alcohol Impairment, Volumes I and II
Pedestrians and Bicycles
feature arrow icon A Compendium of NHTSA Pedestrian and Bicyclist Traffic Safety Research Projects, 1969-2007
feature arrow icon Evaluation of the Miami-Dade Pedestrian Safety Demonstration Project
feature arrow icon Literature Review on Vehicle Travel Speeds and Pedestrian Injuries
feature arrow icon National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior (Vols I, II, III)
feature arrow icon Evaluation of the Safety Benefits of Legacy Safe Routes to School Programs
Other Research & Evaluation Studies
feature arrow icon The Art of Appropriate Evaluation
feature arrow icon Estimated Minimum Savings to the Medicaid Budgets in Arkansas, Colorado, Florida and Missouri by Implementing a Primary Seat Belt Law
feature arrow icon Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide For State Highway Safety Offices (3rd Edition, 2008)
feature arrow icon Technology Applications for Traffic Safety Programs: A Primer
Estimated Medical Cost Savings by Implementing a Primary Seat Belt Law
feature arrow icon Massachusetts
feature arrow icon New Hampshire
feature arrow icon Rhode Island
feature arrow icon Vermont
Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Reports
feature arrow icon 2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Vols I, II and III)
feature arrow icon 2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Vols I through V)
Identifying Strategies To Improve the Effectiveness of Booster Seat Laws
DOT HS 810 969
Effects of Practice on Interference From an Auditory Task While Driving: A Simulation Study
This research study examined the potential for practice effects from an auditory stimulus for persons in a driving simulator
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 external link icon Safe Communities
 external link icon Download BELTUSE & CRASHCOST Software Programs
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