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Interpreting Ratings

A vehicle’s rollover resistance rating is an estimate of its risk of rolling over in a single-vehicle crash, not a prediction of the likelihood of a crash. As the chart below indicates, the lowest-rated vehicles
(1 star) are at least four times more likely to roll over than the highest-rated vehicles (5 stars) when involved in a single-vehicle crash.


5 stars   Has a risk of rollover of less than 10%
4 stars   Has a risk of rollover between 10% and 20%
3 stars   Has a risk of rollover between 20% and 30%
2 stars   Has a risk of rollover between 30% and 40%
1 star   Has a risk of rollover greater than 40%


NHTSA's rollover ratings reflect the real-world rollover experience of vehicles involved in over 86,000 single-vehicle crashes. A vehicle's rollover star rating may be viewed by visiting the 5-Star Crash Test and Rollover Ratings section of

Area is Locked U.S. Department of Transportation