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"Click It or Ticket" Campaign Headquarters
Click It or Ticket (CIOT) is the most successful seat belt enforcement campaign ever, helping create the highest national seat belt usage rate of 82 percent. Coast to coast, day or night, the message is simple - Click It or Ticket.
feature arrow icon May 19 - June 1 National Mobilization Home Site
feature arrow icon Nighttime Violators To Be Targeted During National Crackdown
feature arrow icon 2008 Law Enforcement Action Kit (LEAK)
feature arrow icon May 2006 Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization Evaluation: Final Report
Occupant Protection Program
The Occupant Protection Division provides national leadership in planning and developing traffic injury control programs in the areas of safety belt and child safety seat use, and automatic occupant protection systems (e.g. air bags).
feature arrow icon 2006 Seat Belt Use Estimate for Native American Tribal Reservations
feature arrow icon Increasing Seat Belt Use Through State-Level Demonstration Projects: A Compendium of Initial Findings
feature arrow icon Guidelines for Developing a High-Visibility Enforcement Campaign to Reduce Unsafe Driving Behaviors among Drivers of Passenger and Commercial Motor Vehicles
feature arrow icon Uniform Guidelines for State Highway Safety Programs - Occupant Protection
feature arrow icon 2008 "Click It or Ticket" Campaign Timeline
feature arrow icon Traffic Crashes Take Their Toll on Rural Roads
feature arrow icon You're in the Driver's Seat!
feature arrow icon Key Provisions of Occupant Restraint Laws
feature arrow icon Summary of Vehicle Occupant Protection Laws
feature arrow icon May 2006 Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization Evaluation: Final Report
Estimated Medical Cost Savings by Implementing a Primary Seat Belt Law
feature arrow icon Massachusetts
feature arrow icon New Hampshire
feature arrow icon Rhode Island
feature arrow icon Vermont
Consumer Information & Services
feature arrow icon Let the Zodiac Wheel help you steer you in the best direction.
feature arrow icon What You Need to Know About Air Bags
feature arrow icon Air Bags and Children: What's the Problem?
feature arrow icon Traffic Crashes Take Their Toll on America's Rural Roads
feature arrow icon Partners for Rural Traffic Safety Action Kit
feature arrow icon Safety Belts and Rural Communities
feature arrow icon Identifying Information That Promotes Belt-Positioning Booster Use (Vols 1, 2)
feature arrow icon Motor Vehicle Occupant Protection Facts (revised August 2008)
Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Reports
feature arrow icon 2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Vols I, II and III)
feature arrow icon 2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Vols I through V)
Safety Belt Reports
feature arrow icon The Effects of Changing to Primary Enforcement on Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use
feature arrow icon Primary Enforcement Saves Lives: The Case for Upgrading Secondary Safety Belt Laws
feature arrow icon Connecticut's Day and Night Safety Belt Use
feature arrow icon Unconscious Motivators and Situational Safety Belt Use
feature arrow icon Safety Belts and Teens Report
feature arrow icon Increasing Teen Safety Belt Use: A Program and Literature Review
feature arrow icon The National Initiative for Increasing Safety Belt Use: 8th Report to Congress, 6th Report to the President
feature arrow icon Safety Belts and Rural Communities
feature arrow icon Rural Pickup Truck Drivers and Safety Belt Use: Focus Group Report
feature arrow icon Safety Belt Use in 2003 - Use Rates in the States and Territories
feature arrow icon Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use at Selected Sites in New Mexico
feature arrow icon Safety Belt Use in 2003: Report
feature arrow icon A Study Of Nighttime Safety Belt Use In Indiana
feature arrow icon Seat Belts and Latino - 2003 Report
feature arrow icon Increasing Seat Belt Use Among 8- to 15-Year-Olds
feature arrow icon 7th Annual BUA Report to Congress: 5th Report to the President
Safety Belt & Air Bag Research
feature arrow icon Safety Belt Use in 2003 - Demographic Characteristics
feature arrow icon Safety Belt Use in 2002 – Demographic Characteristics
Occupant Protection Issues Among Older Drivers and Passengers
NHTSA TV Ads and Posters
Let the Zodiac Wheel help you steer you in the best direction.
Summary Air Bag Interaction with and Injury Potential from Common Steering Control Devices, Phase II
Identifying Strategies To Improve the Effectiveness of Booster Seat Laws
DOT HS 810 969
Related Links
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 external link icon Complete Air Bag Information and FAQs at safercar.gov
 external link icon Safe Communities
 external link icon SafetyFeature.org
 external link icon Download BELTUSE & CRASHCOST Software Programs
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More On The Web
 external link icon Click It or Ticket
 external link icon National Safety Council, Air Bag & Seat Belt Safety Campaign
  The Air Bag & Seat Belt Safety Campaign, under the...
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