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WWC Quick Review of the Manuscript "A Little Now for a Lot Later: A Look at a Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program"1

Features of the Advanced Placement Incentive Program. Click here for full text version of image.What is this study about?

This study examined whether the Advanced Placement Incentive Program (APIP) affects students’ SAT/ACT scores and college attendance.

The study analyzed information on 57 Texas high schools that have implemented APIP since 1996.

The study measured the effect of APIP by comparing schools that had implemented the program with schools that had not yet done so and by examining changes in schools that occurred after APIP implementation.

The study used data from 1994 to 2005 drawn from statewide databases.

WWC RATING: The research described in this manuscript is consistent with WWC evidence standards with reservations. Click here for full text version of image.What did the study author report?

APIP increased the number of students scoring above 1100 on the SAT or above 24 on the ACT by 20 to 30 percent. It did not increase the number of students taking these tests. APIP also increased the number of students going to a Texas college by 7 to 9 percent.

The WWC has reservations about these results because schools may have been different from each other in ways not controlled for in the analysis.

1"A Little Now for a Lot Later: A Look at a Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program." Working Paper 107. Kirabo Jackson. Cornell Higher Education Research Institute (CHERI), December 7, 2007.

WWC quick reviews are based on the evidence published in the report cited and rely on effect sizes and significance levels as reported by study authors. WWC does not confirm study authors’ findings or contact authors for additional information about the study. The WWC rating refers only to the results summarized above and not necessarily to all results presented in the study.

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