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Failing at scaling - can anyone recommend a good db/sys admin?
An analysis of db logs reveals that Chris Hughes (fb co-founder) apparently has "How Good A Kisser Are You?" installed. Flattering.
Horrified and disgusted. Stay strong, Mumbai.
Oh virality, how I missed thee
Twenty days of sport, seven hours a day, four matches and two results. And a whole new era of cricket has begun..
The awesome exchange rate totally makes up for shitty London weather and jetlag.
Never knew watching a football game in pouring rain could be so much fun. Coliseum, here we come
@vtandon "You mad coz I'm stylin' on you, brah?"
You know your company is in trouble when Google Finance reports three decimal places in your stock price.
My "friends" don't appear to be terribly bothered about the well being of my braincells.
Watched an entire season of Curb Your Enthusiasm at a go. It's been a pretty productive afternoon - pretty, pretty productive.
More than anything else I'm probably going to miss 3g connectivity the most - that can't be good.
@srilankanboy "I don't know what taking it in entails"
Peer pressure:1 Ankur:0
Apparently airport security guards find a Macbook Air pretty cool - maybe I don't need to shave before flights anymore
@elliefitz Peer pressure. People in my world feel the same way about twitter as cool kids about crack.
Hopping on the twitter bandwagon forreals this time - I may even start following people.
@vtandon snapple? no thanks


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