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wow, a weekly circulation of 225K supported nearly 200 jobs at a newspaper. TC prob around 5-10 at that circ
what ever happened to startup costs being so low we could be VC free?
@rfw2 it's a biological scanner. The 24 hr fitness lets you in with just a fingerprint when no staff is around. Pretty cool stuff.
searching for some great fudge that goes with this delicious late harvest Fritz Zinfandel
The bioscanner at 24 hour fitness is the real reason i go work out.
I recommend the pana
Pizza Del Fino is delicious
california gov economic crisis hitting home, laura may be laid off in Feb
who owns your social media accounts?
@jacamyot is the tag coud supposed to do something?
hmm, who really owns your twitter account? Why invest in social media if the site owner can just take it away?
@brett totally. It's a recession people. Get back to work :)
what is all this stuff about people taking off for vacation
@marshallk what's making it so amazing?
Music industry stopping lawsuits against p2p has anyone told them you don't need p2p to pirate any more?
@Orli certainly have real friends on twitter
@marshallk tweetdeck makes you look like a stock trader
@dspark future generations will look back on our ability to access the internet like we look at at water utilities in developing countries.