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'it's time for you to choose. the bullet or the chapstick. but you are far too cute. or whatever he said.'
sucks. accidentally closed Pandora while i was listening to a good Thursday song.
@ValeriaL nice! haha. i hope people post when they get gifts!
@caff one can only hope! that would actually make me use facebook again.
wheee! RT @alisamleo RT @rww: Hasbro Drops Scrabulous Lawsuit FINALLY!
@briguyblock last i checked it was another social bookmarking service?
i have so many poignant things to say. not kidding. and yet, no time to blog. BLAH.
virtue of ad/marketing/social/pr: partying as hard as you work. it's like ivy league v2.0. if you actually worked in college, anyway. i did.
@jaredwsmith no! will have to check it out. what's it do?
sad thing is i thought i did take it. took the growling to make me realize that was yesterday.
i have tried to take lunch for the past 2.5 hours. i am still hungry.
@jaredwsmith it would be really cool if you could get a separate live feed of all yr "followings" favourites.
lots of favouriting tweets lately. holiday season bringing both wit and intelligence. i'm a fan.
@alisamleo darling i can't DM you back :( jus' sayin.
@alisamleo THANK YOU. as always.
glad to see everyone as repulsed with the Edward glitter as i am. no, i don't want to sparkle like a prepubescent vampire. thx tho.
just danced in the snow and was very happy. returned to find a very unhappy txt and a tedious email. downer.
Hot Topic is selling “Edward Cullen Body Glitter.” make it stop pls.
the snow does not concern me. other than bringing simple joy.


Noah danah boyd  C.C. Chapman Paul Isakson giovanni Chet Gulland Ki. Jinal Shah TIGS zeroinfluencer Julia Roy Todd Defren Matt Dickman Johanna Rex Pechler marc lefton David Armano Drew McLellan Gavin Heaton jane g Jason Sutterfield David Burn Greg Verdino Tim Siedell Saul Colt Chris Thilk Paul McEnany Todd Sanders Doug Meacham Steve Hall Tyler C Hellard darryl ohrt Ian Schafer Christa Foley True Jersey Girl Chris Kieff
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